Evening bread in Germany: Why do you eat cold in the evening?

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  • Evening bread in Germany: Why do you eat cold in the evening?
Evening bread in Germany: Why do you eat cold in the evening?
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

If you look at our neighbors to France or to the countries of the south such as Italy or Greece, the tables bend there with warm and cold treats in the evening.Dinner is heralded there from 8 p.m..In Italy it is not uncommon to make an appointment to the Cena (Italian for dinner) at 10 p.m..

Warm, cold in the evening

With traditional dinner in Germany, which is served between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m..Ideally, they should be 8 millimeters thick, on top comes butter, cold cuts and cheese.That sounds boring at first, but Germany has over 300 types of bread.The same looks with the sausage: there is hunting sausage, liver sausage, yellow sausage, ham, salami and many other sausage products.

The types of cheese are less exotic: Gouda, Tilsiter and butter cheese are the varieties that are most often eaten in dinner.Some decorated their bread with cucumbers, spice cucumbers, radishes or a cooked egg.The North Germans also like to eat bismarckhering, sausage salad is served in the south.

The custom of eating cold dates from the 1920s in the evening.In contrast to rural structures in France and Italy, industrial centers have developed in Germany.Kantinen were quickly introduced in the factories.Because the workers eat warm at noon, they no longer need a warm meal in the evening.Also because the work is no longer so exhausting thanks to the mechanization.So you just do it in the evening.A slice of bread that is occupied as desired.Another curiosity: Traditionally, dinner is not eaten by plates, but by board.With their flat shape, they are better suited to cover bread.