Success on Tikok - 7 tips for successful content -

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Success on Tikok - 7 tips for successful content -
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

TikTok is an absolute trend right now. The video app differs in many respects from other social networks that we have been dealing with for a while. So we cannot simply transfer the success factors from Instagram, Facebook or Twitter to TikTok. To make it as easy as possible for you to get started, we will give you seven TikTok tips with which you can be successful on TikTok and expand your reach.

The TikTok tips you will find in this article:

What is TikTok? A Brief Introduction

If you're reading an article about tips for success on TikTok, you've probably heard of the app before. We have also dealt with TikTok and the critical aspects of the app elsewhere. Still, here we want to give a brief introduction in addition to our TikTok tips.

TikTok is a social video community designed primarily to bring "joy". At least that is the goal that the platform sets itself. Everything revolves around the videos that users create and publish. These videos are presented to the user in a never-ending video feed, which in turn is customized based on a user's "watching behavior". In this way, they get to see the content that inspires them in the long term. The videos themselves can be up to a minute long. However, it will soon be possible in Germany to upload videos up to three minutes long. In the USA, for example, this is already possible and has been very well received by the TiKTok community!

What's special about TikTok are the many ways to create videos. The app works with various effects and the option of pausing the recording and making cuts. But we will go into more detail on this in this article. Because using these opportunities is an important success factor on TikTok.

TikTok Tip #1 - The Discover Page

The Discover page is pretty much the heart of the app and can become the stepping stone to success on TikTok. Here you can find videos for different hashtags. These hashtags rotate regularly and are a mix of hashtags created by the community and hashtags created by TikTok and popular creators. TikTok then selects the hashtags that should make it to the discover page.

Obviously, to be successful on TikTok, the goal is to get to the discover page. Because here you will be seen with your content. And also from users who would not normally come into contact with your videos. So it's a good TikTok tip to always keep an eye on the Discover page. So you know what is happening on the platform and where you should move.

TikTok Tip #2 – Participate in Challenges and Trends

Challenges go hand-in-hand with the Discover page on TikTok. They are essential to be successful on TikTok and are collected through the different hashtags. These challenges are often based on the effects that the app offers when creating the video. For example, there is the challenge #scannedeinoutift. Here users should use a special filter that makes it look like their outfit is being scanned. Finally, an "evaluation" of the outfit takes place, which certifies that it is "right on trend" or a "trendsetter".

So participating in challenges is an important tip to be successful and seen on TikTok. You should orientate yourself on the challenges that make it onto the discover page. Because these are the challenges that many watch and search through many.

TikTok Tip #3 – Use hashtags, right!

Just making videos about the challenges on TikTok is not enough to become a successful TikToker. You should make sure to tag your videos about these challenges with the appropriate hashtags. So you just have to use the corresponding hashtag in the description of the video. But beware: TikTok itself says that it is absolutely useless to add hashtags to several challenges to a video. On the contrary: It will be punished and you will not be successful on TikTok with this video.

You want content on TikTok that is entertaining and well done. Spamming his description with hashtags suggests that the video actually has nothing to do with the actual challenges. So heed our TikTok tip and use hashtags, but sparingly if you please!

TikTok Tip #4 Use Effects and Sounds

Videos on TikTok have a charm and style all their own. They are primarily entertaining and have the “TikTok touch”. The many effects provided by the app help to create this charm. For example, you can add sounds or music to your videos. But there are also other effects that can spice up your video. For example, the "scan your outfit" effect. When you find an interesting effect or sound, save it as a favorite! If you heed this TikTok tip, it will be easier to find the effects that you like and that suit your videos later. The challenges on the discover page will also help you when choosing the effects or sounds, because challenges often arise on the basis of these.

Sounds and effects will definitely make your video interesting and special. Anyone can record a simple video, but adding something special separates the video from generic content. The videos by Creator FalcoPunch are definitely impressive here. He is very skilful with transitions and effects:

TikTok Tip #5 - Be creative and have your own ideas

Challenges that invite you to take part and hope for a certain reach naturally tempt you to copy the videos and ideas of other users and creators . However, please do not take our TikTok tip as a request to copy the content of other TikTok creators. That may certainly work to a certain extent. However, we advise you to approach the challenges with a different approach. Because original ideas that have a certain recognition value have a better chance of securing you success on TikTok in the long term. This is how you ensure that your content stands out and is recognized by other users.

TikTok Tip #6 – Your target group, what do you stand for?

Having your own ideas for your content on TikTok sounds very abstract at first. But it helps to know your unique selling proposition - i.e. your unique selling point (USP). Ask yourself, "What do I want to stand for? What is my USP?” This is not absolutely necessary, but it helps if your content appeals to a certain target group. Do you see yourself more in the comedy direction? Or do you deal with gaming, fashion, beauty, fashion, music or sports? It helps your account to add some "color" to your content to achieve success on TikTok. So other users know what you stand for and what makes you special. Those interested in gaming are more likely to follow a TikToker that also deals with gaming topics. However, this user probably does not want any beauty-related content in their feed.

Here again is FalcoPunch a good example of a successful TikToker. His channel stands for high-quality video content that is impressive to watch. Users subscribe to it and also expect this content. So it's best to think about what your USP on TikTok is, what you want to stand for and which users you want to reach with your content. This also helps you to find your own style.

TikTok Tip #7 - Just have fun

Of course it's always tempting to conquer a platform for yourself and we all know the frenzy of followers and likes. At the end of the day, TikTok is a platform that should be fun. The community should get creative here and just have fun with it. Our TikTok tips are certainly important for success on TikTok. At the end of the day, don't forget that it should be about more than increasing your range. A platform that is as committed to having fun together as TikTok will certainly reward it and push accounts that you can tell the creators are having fun with.

Screenshots from TikTok by Moritz Stoll

Titleimage by vladdeep via edited by Moritz Stoll

Moritz Stoll

can do a lot, but nothing really. Likes to deal a lot with tech and trara, is an integral part of the Netzpiloten editorial team and moderates the Netzpiloten podcast Tech und Trara. For him, the (digital) world is a place full of possibilities and exciting technologies that you can try out, work on and question.

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