Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Trailer reveals the release of the new detective game

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Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Trailer reveals the release of the new detective game
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Developer Frogwares has presented a new trailer for Sherlock Holmes Chapter One, who also reveals the release of the upcoming detective game.Accordingly, the title is from the 16.November 2021 for PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.The two versions for PS4 and Xbox One will then appear a few weeks later.

01:57Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Trailer enthüllt Release des neuen Detektivspiels

A few times ago, Sherlock Holmes Chapter One was presented with a brand new game around the famous detective.Now the makers of Frogwares have also revealed the release of the title.In the trailer the 16.November 2021 called.Then the game will be available for PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S.A few weeks later, the implementations for PS4 and Xbox One follow.This time players slip into the role of a younger Sherlock Holmes.

Sherlock Holmes Chapter One: Trailer enthüllt Release des neuen Detektivspiels

In keeping with the announcement, Sherlock Holmes Chapter One (buy now € 44.99) can now be pre -ordered on all platforms.On the PC you have the choice between Steam, Gog and the Epic Game Store.All pre -orders can also look forward to some rewards.This is the Victorian start package with the following content: the bonus case "Giant of the air", the unique outfits "private detective" and "Victorian vampire" as well as 500 Mangir, which you can output in the game at dealers.Another extra is a free version of "Sherlock Holmes Crimes and Punishments" from 2014 for the respective platform on top.In the new gameplay video, players get another look at Chapter One.

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Finally, those responsible have unveiled a deluxe edition for Sherlock Holmes Chapter One.This contains the standard game and the Season Pass, which will add further cases after the release.These include "angels and devils", a series of cases with Mycroft Holmes and a series of cases in which it is Sherlock with a mysterious adversary called "M."Get to.The Standard Edition is available for € 44.99 - the Deluxe Edition costs € 59.99.

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