Cross question: visually impaired, who do you find attractive?

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Cross question: visually impaired, who do you find attractive?
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Dear visually impaired,

I met the first person in whom I really fell in love with at a flat share.We drank and danced in the small living room of the shared apartment, there were music, on the living room table there were semi -full cups and beer bottles.I already had a few mixed intus when I saw Paul (let's call him like this) for the first time.I don't want to say that attraction always has to be physical.But when I was in the shared kitchen with Paul at the time, his blue eyes were that he was exactly a head bigger than I was and his laughing things that triggered this wonderfully fluttering feeling in my stomach.Even if I get to know people, their appearance plays a role when it comes to whether I could imagine more than friendship with them.

How do non-seeing people know whether someone is your type?

But what about you that you can't see or not much anymore?Does the look and physical attractiveness not care?What things play a role for you so that you find a person attractive when getting to know each other?Do you find much older people, for example, as a non-seeing person because you cannot estimate the age of the person based on the voice?How do you know about dating whether someone is your guy?And does the figure play a role in sex at the latest?

But the data is not just about the other person - but also about yourself: So how do you deal with the topic of your own attractiveness?For the eyes that is a huge thing.When I met Paul for the first time, I was sure to look five times in the mirror to be quite sure that I looked good.Do you make sure that you look good at such moments?When do you feel really attractive?

Interested and curious,

Your seeing

The answer:

Love -see,

With these questions you are not alone.Many of us have to put yourself.Because a large part of us could see better.I am one of them.

At the age of 17, i.e. in the middle of the high school, I lost most of my eyesight.I used to see very well, now I only see very, very little.So I know both sides.My first real friend was honestly my type in terms of appearance - he was more convincing me with humor and self -confidence.Then, as now, I like big men with fluffy hair who are not too lanky, have a deep voice and smell good.

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    How do you feel about dating and working with your little one?And is it true that small men compensate for lack of self -confidence - for example through machotum?

Most of the visual impaired people have very specific ideas about what they would like.The characteristic, which is probably the most commonly mentioned, is the voice.We can hide a annoying or shrill voice.The most beautiful smile doesn't help.The smell is also a wonderful first decision-making aid-this also works with the necessary corona distance.

Sometimes it is also unusual things we pay attention to.A friend of mine attaches importance to the hands and especially nail beds.She likes well -groomed men and in her experience you can best capture the condition of the hands.

I particularly like beard.The noise when someone strokes their face thoughtful or nervously with their hand and you hear it rustling rustling.When I could still see, my eyes were also very important to me - I liked it most when they were blue and radiant.I still pay attention to that, only I have to go very close to it now.

What I heard too often: "Oh, you are blind?Well then you don't see how shit I look "

Nevertheless, I have often heard sentences like this: “Oh, you are blind?Well then you don't see what I look like "or" man, that's practical!Then you don't see how old I am ".I don't like to hear that.

Just because we have a visual impairment, we are not remaining recycling for unattractive people.Many of you hold our flaws right in front of us - but we also don't want to know before the first date how ugly you find or how much you sweat.The other way around, you shouldn't lie either.As it is so often on the Internet: At the latest when you meet your personal meeting you fly up, people.You are not two meters tall, but how it is in the profile?When you talk to us, we hear where the voice comes from - we hear how big you are.And of course we usually also notice how old you are about.On the one and what you talk about.

Querfrage: Sehbehinderte, wen findet ihr attraktiv?

  1. Social media are not barrier -free

    The "Barrier -free post" initiative is fighting for this to change.

What is probably an advantage for you is that we give you a little more time for your first impression.We don't put you in a drawer because of your hairstyle or your outfits.But that doesn't mean that we don't care about your appearance.We also want to notice that you make an effort for a date with us.

A date of mine thought it was a good idea to come to the meeting in joggers and a sloppy shirt.What he didn't know: My eyes may be more decoration than useful, but that doesn't mean that I don't see anything anymore.The message behind this elevator arrived: Apparently it was for him, and therefore I too did not value the trouble.By the way, at the latest during sex, everything comes out.Like your patterns the body - just with our fingertips.

But then you wanted to know how we our own attractiveness our own attractiveness.People who saw like me before know what make-up, colors or certain clothing styles look like.We certainly have it easier than people who are born blindly.But they also pay attention to their appearance.Through feedback, aids such as the color detection device or the wardrobe, which is pre -sorted by experience, know how to look good how they look good.

When I wear pants and it doesn't press anywhere, I feel attractive

Wherever you have an advantage towards us, the Spiegel check is.We do not see when we have not succeeded in the eyelid, but you often notice that when applying.The final check is more difficult, the moment before we face you.But as it says: where there is a will, there is also a way.Live up the smartphone!Through selfies or video calls, loved ones can also give the GO or draw attention to the smeared mascara again.

When do I feel attractive?It's more of a spontaneous feeling, I can hardly describe it.But when I asked my sister, she said: “Well, when you're happy.“And I think she's right.If I wear a pair of pants and it doesn't push anywhere or does not push anything to where it shouldn't be, I am happy.If I get one or two compliments for a new dress, that's also the food for my ego.

Our wish to you: does not focus too much in our visual impairment.We are not much different from you.We ask for what others develop through pictures.Do you know the game "Who am I"?So you can find out more in a playful way than some sighted people through the profile pictures and the sometimes very false, first impression.

See you!

Eure Maulwürfe und Blindschleichen <3

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