Problem zones: Men go for these "flaws" |

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Problem zones: Men go for these "flaws" |
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

The perfect body, youthful skin, big breasts - what men like is well known - right? But even supposed flaws can be sexy

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A bikini figure may be your dream, but it still won't bring you the dream man. And we're pretty sure: Even if you achieve your dream, you wouldn't feel beautiful all the time. After the figure, the nose, the fingers that are too short, the split hair - something is always annoying.

Men are not interested in female problem areas

A small tummy, spider veins, breasts that are too small, cellulite - none of this is reason to despair, because many men are not interested in that at all. On the contrary: They don't pay any attention to our supposed problem areas. If you are confident and at peace with your body, you are also attractive! So just sit back and relax. Much of what we women dislike about our bodies, the opposite sex even finds quite attractive.

Better a tummy than a six-pack

The biggest problem area is the stomach. But a small tummy also stands for femininity. Curves and curves are often seen as sexy. Those who live permanently on a diet are considered rather unattractive. Lush body shapes used to be seen as a sign of attractiveness, fertility and prosperity. It was the ideal image of a woman. Only much later did this image change to the wasp waist. But who could imagine a belly dancer without a belly? And just between us: How often have we looked at pregnant women and secretly said to ourselves: "that doesn't look so bad, that little tummy"?

Sexy is always subjective

It's the same with hips. A real hunger hook is bony and fragile. If there is a bit of flab around our hips, then men have a cushion to grasp. We appear more stable and our "hip gold" represents a love ring.

Or do you think your butt is too big? That's a question for the beholder. Many men love to grab women's butts. If this is very flat, there is nothing to grab. And that is much worse than a pronounced bottom, which is also something. Kim Kardashian took out extra insurance for her big butt. Her XXL bottom even has massive dents and cellulite even centimeters thick.

Naturalness is the key for men

No one wants orange peel skin. But women's skin has a different tissue structure than that of men. Connective tissue changes throughout life. But now the good news: Men don't even notice our cellulite. Women tend to overestimate a few dents on their thighs and bottom.

Too small, too sagging – the breasts. Many women find their breasts imperfect and always have something to complain about. But for men, boobs are just boobs. Studies show that natural, small or slightly saggy breasts are usually considered more attractive than artificial silicone breasts. The important thing is to just stand by your breasts, no matter how much of it you have.

Femininity instead of skin and bones

"But you have a lot of back fat!" Has a man ever said this sentence to a woman? Probably not. As is well known, a beautiful back can also delight.

Luscious thighs - hideous? Just like the stomach, strong legs used to be considered strength and also the ability to take on a protective function. This no longer corresponds to our current ideal of beauty, but many men prefer female thighs to skin and bones.

Problem zones arise in the head

Small red-bluish veins on the legs, mostly on the lower legs: spider veins. Not pretty – a real cosmetic problem for us women. But only for us - not for men. So take a deep breath and relax.

We want beautiful feet with perfectly straight toes and great skin. But they have to carry us every day and sometimes endure a lot when we put them in uncomfortable, tight or too high shoes again and again. Therefore they deserve our care. And not only for the appearance of the man, but above all for ourselves!

Are Angelina Jolie's lips really the beauty ideal for men? Plumped lips promise no arts of seduction. Many men don't find the inflatable boat effect sexy at all. You even have the idea that artificially injected lips could split open when kissed. That is why natural lips are much more attractive. Also, it doesn't mean that you can kiss better with plump lips than with thin lips.

For more serenity when dealing with problem areas

Taking out rubbish without make-up, going to the bakery, playing sports... unimaginable for many women. A heavily made-up face usually appears artificial and unapproachable to men, while a natural face looks unadulterated. This does not mean that we should not strive for a well-groomed and clear skin. If we feel too naked outside our own four walls without make-up, then we can try the nude look, which is totally in. This look is very suitable for everyday life, because it looks natural and you can easily cover up small flaws. Beauty is basically in the interest of the beholder and is always subjective. It is important that we feel good about ourselves in our body and our own skin. World stars like Adele (29) or singer Maite Kelly (38) also stand for this. They also radiate this self-esteem to others. If we women don't find ourselves attractive, then no one else can - and especially not a man who wakes up in bed with us in the morning. A good figure starts in the mind.

Bye, problem areas!