Olympia 2022: Did Italy reach out next to it at the outfit?

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  • Olympia 2022: Did Italy reach out next to it at the outfit?
Olympia 2022: Did Italy reach out next to it at the outfit?
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Olympics 2022 blasphemy for outfits: Did Italy reach here?

Olympia 2022 in Beijing has taken up speed and in Italy there was a lot of discussion the day after the opening ceremony - about China and the outfits of the Italian team.As a fashion country, did Italy intervene?

Olympics 2022 as a catwalk?In the games of the youth, of course, every country wants to present its participants in perfect styling.This applies above all to fashion -conscious countries like Italy.But did the Italians really make the right choice this time?There were voices on Twitter who saw a fashion slat.

After the opening ceremony on 4.February 2022 was of course the big topic in Italy.The media judged the staging of the opening ceremony in Beijing.

Olympics 2022: The writing Italian media

But it was not only talked about the host, especially the outfits of the Italian team provided split reactions.

Olympia 2022: Hat Italien beim Outfit danebengegriffen?

Olympia 2022: Italy shows itself in oversized ponchos

Is what the Italian athletes wear there is appropriate for the self-proclaimed model country Italy with the stylish metropolises Milan and Rome?The team marched green, white and red in the national colors in oversized ponchos in the Nation Stadium of Beijing.

Tuttosport wrote: "Croomed colors and happiness in Beijing, at least at the opening ceremony, all Corona worries."

On Twitter, however, the ponchos caused a stir.A fan wrote: "Italy.The land of fashion." Ein anderer User ärgerte sich über den Aufzug der Italiener: „Italien – dieser Poncho ist schrecklich, sehr schlecht."

Olympia 2022: Fashion taste can be argued

Others find the Olympic outfit great: “Which country was best dressed?There are three winners for me: Ghana, Italy and Canada." Tja, über Geschmack lässt sich bekanntlich sehr gut streiten – oder auch nicht.

Olympia 2022: No diplomatic boycott of Italy

China's President Xi Jinping also provided good taste experiences.He had on Saturday, 5.February, a banquet for foreign heads of state and government as well as representatives of international organizations.It was the first diplomatic reception in around two years.Xi had recently had no political representatives personally because of Corona. Nun wurde in der „Großen Halle des Volkes" bei einem Festmahl mit musikalischen Darbietungen gefeiert.

Xi sagte zu den Teilnehmern, dass alle zusammenhalten sollen, um „gemeinsam für eine Welt des dauerhaften Friedens zu arbeiten".Official photos showed a pompous banquet board, in the middle of which a miniature winter landscape could be seen.Many western countries boycott the games diplomatically.

Olympics 2022: That's why Italy had to participate

Italy, on the other hand, had announced the participation of his representatives in Beijing.Probably also because they have to.

The reason: Traditionally, it is the task of the next Olympic city to take over the flag at the final party.In northern Italy (Milan and Cortina d’Ampezzo) can be found from 6.Up to 22.February 2026 The next Olympic Winter Games take place.