Love happily: You don't have to have these similarities in a relationship

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Love happily: You don't have to have these similarities in a relationship
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Similarities approach.This is because we decide in the first moments whether a counterpart is sympathetic to us or not.With some people it just clicks, with others we cannot find a connection.It is of course easier to get involved in someone who has similar interests and with whom it is easier to get into a conversation.

At the top of the video you will find three tips for a durable relationship!

People of the same kind stick together

A study by the Wellesley College in Boston, USA shows that opposites are not attracted.The results of the study were published in the specialist magazine "Journal of Personality and Social Psychology".

Glücklich lieben: Diese Gemeinsamkeiten müsst ihr in einer Beziehung NICHT haben

But not all similarities are important for a relationship.There are some that you can confidently overlook and in which your partner can differ greatly from you.

1.Unnecessary commonality: common interests and hobbies

Do you love sports in nature and your partner prefer to be at home when it comes to handicrafts?Do you like to go shopping, but your husband prefers to depend on football with his boys?This is not a problem.

Common interests and hobbies are overrated.You don't have to spend each day, every activity and every excursion together.

Much more important than common interests: listening when the other tells of his experiences.Share your own interests with your partner and stay in communication is an important part of a relationship.

Spending leisure alone is not an obstacle to a positive relationship, it is actually beneficial.If your interests differ completely, you can also start a new hobby together.

6 relationship tips from couples who have been together for more than 20 years.