Correct kissing: what men go out when they are smooching

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Correct kissing: what men go out when they are smooching
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Am I a good kisser or do men prefer it if I only use my mouth to talk? We've all probably asked ourselves that at some point. As so often, we find the answer in science. Yes indeed! Kissing is not a science, but there are researchers who study kissing. We checked various kissing studies and compiled the best kissing tips from them!

1. Men Love Tongue Play

One of the biggest differences between men and women when it comes to kissing is the amount of tongue play that partners enjoy. According to a study, men like their kisses eleven percent more tongue play than women. The violent action sends a clear signal to the man: "I want more, I want it now!" Women are more reserved because they first have to find out whether the man is actually a suitable partner and potential father of their children. For the man, the reproductive process ends with fertilization, for the woman it only begins there.

Kissing properly: What men love when kissing

This was found by researchers at the University of Albany, who studied the kissing behavior of 1,041 students. If you want to convince your loved one with the perfect kiss, use a lot of tongue. He will be amazed by your passion.

2. Men like it wet

In the same study, the researchers discovered another difference: women liked their kisses less wet, men wanted 33 percent more saliva. There is also a scientific justification for this: there is testosterone in men's saliva, which stimulates women's libido. The only goal: rapid reproduction. But it's too fast for women. They use the man's saliva to find out if he's compatible on a genetic level. A little bit of saliva is enough.

Did you know that a kiss transmits up to 80 million bacteria? They provide the partners with a large amount of important information that tells the woman whether the man is suitable. If you want to make your loved one happy with the perfect kiss, it can be a little wetter.

And here you will find out in our step-by-step instructions how to conjure up a seductive kissable mouth.