Jin dresses in Ghost of Tsushima like Aloy now

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  • Jin dresses in Ghost of Tsushima like Aloy now
Jin dresses in Ghost of Tsushima like Aloy now
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Shortly before the start of Horizon: Forbidden West there is now a small crossover with Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut.

The new update 2.15 For the Sucker Punch title, contains a bonus outfit inspired by Aloy's clothing from Horizon.

New look for Jin

So Jin Sakai can wear a new outfit that visually reminds of Guerrilla Games' series.

Update 2.15 also brings a few other things with it, but the new outfit is definitely the focus.

Jin kleidet sich in Ghost of Tsushima jetzt wie Aloy

However, keep in mind that you need the Director's cut or the expansion for the game.In the north of the island of Iki you will find a new shrine after installing the update.

You then have to solve a puzzle associated with it and then get the new outfit as a reward.

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What else does the update bring?

Away from the new outfit, Update 2 takes.15 Some adjustments and bug fixes in cooperative legend mode.There is also a new platinum swivel level for survival that should face even greater challenges - and let you earn better rewards.

According to Sucker Punch, another update for Ghost of Tsushima: Director's Cut is already being prepared, which should be released in the coming month.The focus is also on bug fixes and improvements for legend mode.