In Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, even tough men will be able to disguise themselves as delicate maidens

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  • In Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, even tough men will be able to disguise themselves as delicate maidens
In Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, even tough men will be able to disguise themselves as delicate maidens
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

The Endwalker addon is coming to Final Fantasy XIV. In addition to the numerous content updates, there is also a small but nice feature that makes many players happy. The gender lock is lifted for several items of clothing.

This is what it's all about: On December 3rd at 10:00 a.m. the FFXIV servers will go live and the Early Access of the new addon Endwalker will begin. This brings a huge amount of content, which players can now read in the detailed patch notes.

One small change made one or the other player particularly happy. The notes announce that a number of gear items will lose their gender lock with Endwalker.

A total of 31 items can be worn by both genders starting December 3rd. There are pretty dresses like the maid outfit for the men, but also chic jackets like the butler outfit for the ladies.

  • Ungender-locking clothing is an old theme in FFXIV. Again and again there are requests to the development team of the MMORPG in the official forums and on social media to remove the lock. With the addon Endwalker this wish of the players is fulfilled.

    Accordingly, between all the posts celebrating Endwalker and the farewell to Shadowbringers, there were also some posts that were happy about the abolition of the gender lock.

    That's already changed: the unraveling of gender locks on clothing is a process announced back in 2019 by director Yoshida in an interview with Kotaku, which began in February 2020.

    Back then, the restrictions on wedding attire and the PlayBoy bunny costume were lifted. This allowed men to wear dresses and bunny ears too.

    When the grand 24-man raid to Nier Automata was introduced, there were no restrictions on what the android 2B could wear. It can be worn freely by everyone.

    More about FFXIV and Endwalker on MeinMMO can be found here:

    In Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalkers will each other even tough men can dress up as delicate damsels

    The male rabbits are coming

    What other cancellations are in Endwalker? With Endwalker, the old dream of a large part of the FFXIV community will also be fulfilled: Viera, previously purely female, will also be available in male form from December 3rd.

    This means that players can now create male fours as playable characters. The benchmark for the Endwalker add-on already served as a test for this. In the character creator you could already try out the bunny boys and tinker your dream character.

    Final Fantasy XIV finally brings the male bunnies that many have missed so much