Hype around discounter-fashion: Aldi presents new fashion collection

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  • Hype around discounter-fashion: Aldi presents new fashion collection
Hype around discounter-fashion: Aldi presents new fashion collection
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Aldi Nord brought out his second fashion collection on Tuesday and the Hamburgers: inside stood in line to get one of the coveted parts.The total collection includes seven parts.But not everyone was also available in the pop-up store in Hamburg-Lokstedt.Interested parties only come to some "pieces” by participating in competitions.

How does the hype come about around the discounter fashion?

It started in 2020 the discounter Lidl, who offered his clothes with thickly branded Lidl logo via the online shop.Aldi Nord followed up, but limited the parts even more than before.Fashion was only available through competitions and in one day in Berlin.This time, customers can buy them in five German cities, including Hamburg and Hanover, each day.

Matthias Kräling, Teamlead Social Media Aldi Nord, denies the question of an artificial shortage: "We do not cut.On the contrary, we learned from the launch of the last collection, listened to our followers."

I want to know why the collection is not sold regularly in the shops: "This was simply not intended this time.Above all, we want to offer our customers something special and the whole thing is especially if it is not everywhere and always available, but only over a certain period of time."

„Und dieser Zeitraum ist dann ein Tag in einer Stadt?"


But apart from this shortage, which should still fuel the run on the collection, the question arises as to how such a hype comes about the discounter fashion?Why are hundreds of people who really want to go in front of the pop-up store, a large, silver tent in spaceship optics?

Matthias Kräling explains the whole thing as follows: "I think the hype that our clothes are such a huge topic for so many is because we as a brand emotionalize.We have a really strong customer loyalty.And I think the young people - and they are more young people who buy our collection just like to wear us."

This is also confirmed by Mathilda and Louisa, two students from Hamburg, who have been waiting in line in front of the tent since shortly after 10:00 a.m..At that time there are about 30 people there.The sale starts at 12:00 p.m..

The two students have stocked up with breakfast, are well prepared.They campaigned with stulls, coffee and tea in line: "We just love Aldi. Das ist mein Standard-Supermarkt, da mache ich dann auch gerne Werbung für", lacht Mathilda und Louisa ergänzt: „Hat halt nicht jeder.Such an Aldi outfit is just wonderful." „Herrlich" daran findet sie das Statement, was sie mit der Kleidung vermittelt: „Ich brauche keine teuren Klamotten.That is enough for me from Aldi.It is affordable.You don't have to spend a lot of money on it.For us as a student, this is an important factor."

But if it were only about the price, the two could also stock up on other fast fashion labels.Almost each of these chains is represented in Hamburg. „Es ist ja auch was Besonderes", räumt Mathilda ein, „So etwas trägt einfach nicht jeder und es würde auch nicht jeder tragen, wenn er könnte."

Das passt auch zum Kampagnenmotto: „ALDI Original". Es impliziert die Botschaft „Verstell dich nicht, sei echt, sei du selbst", und zielt genau auf das Streben nach Individualität, was die Generationen Y und Z so sehr für sich vereinnahmen."Original always has something to do with pioneering spirit.If you are the original, if you were the first, you started something, you are still unadulterated, no copy. Wie schon die Familie Albrecht und Aldi, als erster Discounter", erklärt Matthias Kräling das Motto weiter.

Long snake in front of the pop-up tent

At 11:30 a.m., several hundred customers are already waiting in front of the tent in the parking lot.Because of Corona, only five people are allowed into the store at the same time, so there is no rush in the classic sense.Katharina Bremer from Hamburg is very happy: "I am relatively far ahead in the snake, so I can at least assume that I can really take one or the other part with me."

Hype um Discounter-Fashion: Aldi präsentiert neue Modekollektion

For her son, she is waiting for the tarpaulins to open up.From the collection sales, she only noticed by chance: "I was just shopping and then discovered the snake.The young people all look like my son here, so I called him quickly and asked if that was what for him." Der Sohn sitzt aber gerade in den ersten Vorlesungen und kann deshalb nicht selbst zum Verkauf kommen.So Mama canceled her appointment and stands in line in front of the tent in the parking lot of the discounter chain from 10:30 a.m..What do you not do for the son man?"But I wonder if that's so sustainable. Kann ja nicht, oder?", überlegt die Mutter, die selbst in einer kleinen Boutique in Hamburg-Eppendorf arbeitet.

Sustainability-what is behind discounter fashion?

How can such a hype be explained in discounter fashion if topics such as sustainability, fair work and fair production conditions, all of which are directly related to climate change, are becoming increasingly important?

Social media teamlead, Matthias Kräling, sees no discrepancy: "We don't go against the trend.Otherwise we are very sustainable in the company when it comes to our supply chains and much more."

„Aber nicht im Bereich der Modekollektion?"

"There are also supply chains there.We are already very aware of our responsibility in this area."

Und wie sehen es die beiden Studentinnen Mathilda und Louisa mit der Nachhaltigkeit? „Um ehrlich zu sein habe ich – gerade bei einer Kollektion von Aldi – nicht das Augenmerk auf Nachhaltigkeit gelegt", gibt Louisa offen zu, ergänzt aber noch: „Eigentlich ist es egal, ob man bei irgendwelchen großen Labels kauft, bei H&M oder eben Aldi.With the big ones you only pay the name, it is still not produced fairly."

She is certainly right how many media reports prove.In general, sustainability or fair working conditions are not brought to the fore in the fast fashion industry, but of course the price.It has to be cheap so that a lot is bought.

Sustainability is basically already an issue for the two Hamburg women.Louisa studies wooden sciences in the third semester, it is about use of resources: "This is also possible in the direction of sustainability.How can you use everything that arises in production?Fibers, chips, everything that is actually declared as a waste."

Ihr Tipp für einen wirklich nachhaltigen Lebensstil: „Einfach gar keine Klamotten kaufen!", dass sich das aber wohl kaum umsetzen lässt, ist den Beiden auch klar.Nevertheless, in your circle of friends from five girls you meet once every three months to exchange clothes.Everyone brings a box full of clothes, then it is exchanged. Jetzt wollen sich die beiden Mädels „mal was gönnen".

An entire outfit for 48 euros

The doors of the pop-up store open at 12:05 p.m., the first five customers are embedded.

Katharina Bremer is also included in the third round.For her son she bought flip -flops, a sweater and socks.Cheering she leaves the store and is happy like a little child.

And for Mathilda, too, the wait was worth it: "I got everything I wanted." Für ihre Freundin Louisa konnte sie auch noch ein paar Aldiletten mitnehmen, denn die musste kurz nach der Öffnung zur Arbeit: „Studenten-Job, damit man sich die Sachen auch leisten kann", zwinkert Mathilda.She is happy: "I paid 47.95 euros.For an entire outfit.Others don't even get pants for that."

And so Mathilda has a little more to offer at the next clothes exchange party than just pants.

  • Our mobile reporter Kevin Laske was also on the road to look at the run on the discounter fashion.

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    Andrea Marie Eisele