Fashion & Science: In this Amazon top you supposedly convince it on the first date

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Fashion & Science: In this Amazon top you supposedly convince it on the first date
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

The color red is also attractive

Not only with your shoulders, but also with the color of your garment, you can reliably bring it around the mind.The color red in particular has a clear erotic signal effect.Manfred Hassebrauck also confirms this.He is a professor of social psychology at the Bergische Universität Wuppertal.On " "reports the scientist about a fascinating experiment.

To check when women appear to be more attractive to men and other women, photos of female people were alternately mounted on a red, blue, green or white background.The viewers should then assess the attractiveness of women."To our surprise, a red background is enough to make a woman appear more beautiful and erotic," reports the researcher and adds: "The effect in the study was even more clear when a woman had red clothing, such as a red t-Shirt.“For example, men would rather meet her with her than with a woman in the green or blue T-shirt.

So make it attractive and red!We took advantage of these two research results and made ourselves at Amazon on the search for the ideal piece of clothing for the perfect date.