Dr.Pop's musical consultation: Why music makes us more attractive

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Dr.Pop's musical consultation: Why music makes us more attractive
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Music market: Book Tippleandro Baricco: Hegel's soul or the cows of Wisconsin

According to Hegel, music is supposed to raise the soul.In Wisconsin, milk production increased significantly in cows when they heard symphonies.Is the classic of other music styles really morally and mentally superior?What is your importance in our time?This music is wrong to sell them as an absolute value, says Alessandro Baricco - whether interpreter or listener, it is up to us to make them something thoroughly thoroughly thoroughly.With his lively, brilliantly formulated questions and considerations, Baricco comes into a lively dialogue with everyone who is concerned with music.more...

SWR2 meeting point ClassiSWR2

Dr. Pops musikalische Sprechstunde: Warum Musik uns attraktiver macht