Curated shopping at Zalon: Does that really work?A self -experiment

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Curated shopping at Zalon: Does that really work?A self -experiment
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

The woman is called Barbara.She is sitting somewhere in nowhere in an office or container of a hall in Munich and is looking for clothes for me.

Barbara is a consultant, fashion and communication designer and stylist, which is at least on the website of Zalon.She likes to dress simple, has a fresh laugh and her blonde hair traps as they have to fall when you connect them easily together, look good, but never want to be wanted.

Barbara somehow feels familiar.Like one woman, which you can see in a bar and think: it dresses well, I want that too.

Curated shopping is the new magic word

That's why I selected Barbara as my stylist.And I trusted Zalon, a new online shopping service from Zalando.A stylist searches for new parts and sends them to you for free.You pay what you want to keep.The rest sends back for free.

Hier findest du mehr zu Zalando

Willst du ein Zalando-Mensch sein? Entscheide, wenn du das gelesen hast«Herr Vontobel, warum gibt es Jobs, die es gar nicht braucht?»

Curated shopping, as you call shopping with advice, becomes more popular.It is the answer to almost endless selection on the Internet - and fits in terms of personalization in terms of personalization.

Ich schlafe lieber länger, als morgens um sechs Schminktutorials auf Youtube anzuschauen, damit ich meine Lidstrichfarbe meinen neuen Hosen anpassen kann.

Every fifth Swiss has already ordered from Zalando.The Baby Zalon is online for a few months in Switzerland.No new model, for example, offers outfittery diesel service for a long time.

But new for me: I always buy my clothes myself. I rarely buy something, and if so, then in large masses so that I have a rest.I am not one of the fashion Victims, I only buy fashion magazines because of their reporting sites and never make me make-up.

So a hard piece of work for Barbara.Verbarbara instinctively know what I really want, although I don't really know that myself? After a few years in this world, I already know as a large body as an adult.But isn't it also the meaning and purpose of a stylist to explore the own limits?To recommend things that you would never have tried at first?Colors you thought about it never stood?

I don't even know if I'm a winter, autumn or summer type.I have not put on pumps for years because I find them uncomfortable and cannot walk in it.And that I prefer to sleep longer than to look at six make -up tutorials on YouTube in the morning so that I can adapt Meinelidstrich color to my new pants, it doesn't make things any easier.

Zalon and Barbara still try it.You ask me for 15 minutes over felt dogs, which I like to wear and what not.And what never.

A ankle -long skirt in gray! Ein Rollkragenpullover in Schwarz! Ich fühle einen Stich im Herz. Barbara, bist du wirklich so schlecht?

Do you like dirt strips?

Which cutout do you like?

Would you wear chino pants?

Curated Shopping bei Zalon: Klappt das wirklich? Ein Selbstversuch

I click through.The size tables come.The weight tables.The body shapes.Pear Apple?Wider hips than the shoulders?It is a total recording of my physical presence.

It goes to the economic

Then it goes to the economic: Zalon asks me how much money I normally spend on dresses.Little, I answer.I regret it immediately.Do these people send me now plastic bags and stilettos that fall apart after five steps?

You can also use photo shops so that the stylist knows even better about a notification.I refuse.

You can also call the stylist.I refuse.

I want to stay a black box. Will Barbara see through me?

Nach ein paar Tagen und dann die erste Auswahl von Barbara per Mail. Ich bin enttäuscht.Die Teile sind fade, in weiss, grau und schwarz gehalten. T-Shirts, die ich bei H&M in derBasic-Abteilung für neun Franken kaufen könnte.

Dann endlich kommt das Paket an. Meine Nachbarin ist aufgeregter als ich. Sie will mit auspacken. Sie sagt, wenn das bei mir klappt, dann probiert sie das auch.

A ankle -long skirt in gray!

A roll collar sweater in black!

I feel a stab in my heart.Barbara, are you really Soschlecht?Why don't you feel who I really am inside?Is everything?I swallow my disappointment and select most of the clothes again. I write in the line of justification: to bland, not exciting, not special enough.You are a stylist, Barbara!Request me!

Das Paket ist da: Eine Verheissung in weiss-blau!bild: anna miller

Then finally the package arrives.It is white-blue in the entrance.My neighbor Istaufauf -controlled than me.She wants to unpack.She says if that works for me, then try it too.We unpack.The clothes are carefully tied up in the box, two parcels, for two different outfits.Zalon leaves nothing to chance.

Barbara Hatmir enclosed instructions on how to combine something.«Style your relaxed jeans zu blusentops or a turtleneck in blue!Pumps in Nude complete this look. »

So sieht der Inhalt aus.bild: anna miller

In keeping with this, the turtleneck in blue was also reduced by 20.The jeans just go over my thighs.The turtleneck sweater looks like old tan, the white blouse puts my shoulders hanging.And the blouse dress with a printing print makes me look like a teenager in the nineties when everything was allowed, but somehow looked shit.

Mir dämmert: Das erste Mal seit Jahren trage ich gerade ein Outfit, nicht nur Kleider an meinem Körper.Die weisse Bluse lässt meine Schultern hängen. Schade.bild: anna miller

But the pumps: a direct hit.Bright, comfortable, the right size.I would never have bought it like that.Now that I wear them at my feet, I notice: I am actually good.And this red blazer?I like.I would never have bought like that.I really want to send him back, too fashion statement, but it's already too late.I love him.He will stay.

Der rote Blazer: top. Die Schuhe auch. Oder?bild: anna miller

It's kind of strange: I don't look bad in the combinations.I dawn: The first time in years I am wearing an outfit, not just clothes on my body.I enjoy it, it is fun.Give the control out of your hand, get new inputs.I look a little strange, not as usual. But good.

Meine Nachbarin hat ein paar Stunden später auch so ein Paket bestellt. Sie liebt ihre neuen Schuhe. Die durchsichtigen Blusen für den Business-Look schossen leider am Ziel vorbei.

Barbara didn't have it easy.Derstyling service has to create a balancing act: he wants to deliver fashion consultants for the broad mass and yet always new and surprising.Zalon is good for new inputs, and more pleasant than online shopping on Zalando.A service for people who want to get new inputs, even though they already have a lot in their closet.

Was hältst du von Curated Shopping?

The blouses shoot past the destination

But if you don't buy everything from the package, and that is probably the rule, then you will have to combine the parts at the end.If you have no idea about fashionhat, you will end up walking around as bad as before.

My neighbor also ordered such a package a few hours later.She loves her new shoes.The transparent blouses for the business look unfortunately shot past the finish.