Catcalling: What it is and how you defend yourself |

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Catcalling: What it is and how you defend yourself |
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

In the Urban Dictionary, Catcalls are referred to as attacking, sexually charged comments from men to women who on the street into other public spaces.Often catcalls contain allusions to the appearance and the body.

So means: Catcalling is a verbal sexual harassment, as the name makes it clear - a one -sided: men annoy, women are bothered, therefore "cat" and not "Tom cat", "dog" or "donkey"...

Catcalling ≠ compliment

Every woman who has ever experienced catcalling (every woman) knows: with a compliment, appreciation, interest or respect, this kind of attention has nothing to do and she feels anything but good.On the contrary, Catcalling is a reduction in the woman and a gesture of the supposed (!) Male dominance and superiority - or can you imagine how someone Z.B.whistles to his boss or a lender and welcomes with the words: "Chic outfit! Today?!"?Even!People might communicate with dogs - but certainly not with people you respected.

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Catcalling: What does it bring to the perpetrators?

Of course, Catcalling also arrives differently in different women.Some only book it as an annoying everyday phenomenon, others unsettled and frighten it so much that they do not dare to go on the street in a short skirt even in summer.But as good as every woman feels at least annoyed by Catcalling, hardly anyone gets over completely without a trace.Problem: Even if you say that so often and try to make it clear to men - very few will stop it.For many perpetrators, whistling, smooching and commenting is a permanently established, sometimes also routine means of strengthening their own self -confidence and feeling good. Deshalb machen es in der Regel auch vor allem Männer, die zumBeispiel bei Frauen nicht so gut ankommen oder in anderen Lebensbereichen weitgehend erfolglos sind.

After all: We already have a clue how we can best defend ourselves against Catcalling.We just need to do something that gives the catcaller a bad feeling and unsettled it.

Catcalling: This is how you can defend yourself

First of all: there is no such thing as an optimal strategy to react to Catcalling. Zum einen, weil die belästigten Frauen unterschiedlich sind – die eine tut sich leichter damit, einen Catcall zu ignorieren, andere fühlen sich gut, wenn sie denBelästiger konfrontieren.On the other hand, the harassing men are just as different and complex (yes, they are complex!).Some feel ignored and motivated, others are unsettled.Therefore it is best to react as you and your species most likely corresponds to you and your species.With that you feel most comfortable - and in doubt it comes across the most credible and convincing.Here are three common and practical strategies for dealing with Catcalling.

Under no circumstances should you ask a catcaller a question such as z.B."What shoud that?"Or occur politely and hesitantly ("Please let me in peace!").Bei den meisten kommt das wie eineBestätigung an und sie fühlen sich zu weiteren Reaktionen aufgefordert.

By the way: The Dutchman Noa Jansma, who launched the Instagram account "Dearcatcallers" some time ago, chose a particularly creative and brave handling of Catcalling.There the young woman posted selfies with her catcallers to draw attention to the problem and to show the perpetrators.You can find out more about Noa Jansma and her action in our article.

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