Brand, image, quality: The dress code for the interview in luxury companies

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  • Brand, image, quality: The dress code for the interview in luxury companies
Brand, image, quality: The dress code for the interview in luxury companies
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Anne Hathaway in "The Teufel wears Prada".

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In no other industry it depends on the look: luxury companies earn their money with a triad of brand, image and quality.If you apply there, you should dress according to the same rules.

Marke, Image, Qualität: Die Kleiderordnung fürs Bewerbungsgespräch in Luxusunternehmen

There is a particularly pretty scene in one of the most famous fashion films in the world.Andrea Sachs, played by Anne Hathaway, begins in "The devil wears Prada" her new job as an assistant to the fashion magazine "Runway" - dressed in a simple sweater.

A serious mistake, as it turns out shortly after.Her new boss Miranda Priestly, played by Meryl Streep, acknowledges Sachs ’" ugly blue sweater "with a legendary lecture on the importance of the fashion industry, which ends with the words:" ... this blue represents millions of dollars and countless jobs ".

What was shown in the film has a real core.Because in the fashion and luxury industry, different rules actually apply to banks or insurance companies.It starts with the interview.If you want to get a job with a luxury company, you have to have a feeling for the products and the image of the company.A well -cut suit are enough, the color -matching belt with the shoe and dark socks are sometimes not enough.So that your own look becomes a business card, you should rather ask yourself: What does the company stand out for?What feeling do the products convey?And, very important, how can I transport this message about my appearance?