(Beijing 2022) German athletes praise Olympic opening ceremony from Beijing 2022

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  • (Beijing 2022) German athletes praise Olympic opening ceremony from Beijing 2022
(Beijing 2022) German athletes praise Olympic opening ceremony from Beijing 2022
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Berlin, 8.February (Xinhua) - The impressive opening ceremony of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing was very well received in Germany.

Athletes, television journalists and media praised the inspiring and innovative design.Many spoke of a tasteful, worthy and heartbreaking event.

The three-time Olympic champion Anni Friesinger-Postma called the opening ceremony "very nice to look at because we saw many young children who stand for the future of sport".

The 45-year-old television presenter mentioned the peace message, which was borne into the world from the nation stadium in Beijing.

Fabian Hambüchen, Reck-Olympic champion in 2016, described the celebration as reserved and perfectly organized.

"Due to the pandemic and the lower number of spectators, it was less enthusiastic than in 2008.But an enthusiastic celebration probably doesn't fit into our current situation.The athletes are happy about the start, "said the former gymnast.

The television station Eurosport spoke of a particularly moving event and said that the opening ceremony was perfectly organized.

"It was about two hours in which everyone was able to forget the turbulence of pandemic and somehow dreamed away," said a reporter.

The ZDF spoke of an opening ceremony that was "less complex than that of 2008", but said that the decision of the organizers in the current times of the defect due to pandemic had met with sympathy.

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The broadcaster's reporter described the "bird nest" as the most impressive arena in the world.

Intensive efforts were made to carry out the games under difficult conditions, said the reporters and China's efforts mentioned to promote winter sports.

The opening ceremony contained various features of modern China such as innovation, perfectionism, enthusiasm for sport and a playful note, according to the media.

The reporters mentioned that Beijing is the first city in the history of the Olympic Games that organize both summer and winter games.The Boulevardzeitung Bild praised the "show with breathtaking 3D effects" and spoke of the message of a world that is together.

ZDF reporters mentioned the consistently positive comments of German and international athletes after training sessions at various Olympic sites.

"The route is mega cool.Gigantic.It is fabulous what was built here, "said the German downhill runner Josef Ferstl."This route triggers unlimited joy with us."

The German flag bearer Claudia Pechstein spoke about writing history, "because they are my eighth games."The 49-year-old skirt runner described the games in Beijing as her career highlight.

"Being here and wearing the German flag means more than all the medals that I have won so far.It is a great honor to carry the flag next to the Boblegend Francesco Friedrich."

The outfit of the German athletes in the colors of the national flag was also intended as an allusion to host China.The color black should stand for the black water tiger, the symbol for 2022.On the hats of the German athletes, a lettering in Chinese was attached, who wished the athletes "good luck".

(according to the Xinhua news agency)