All French women fall in love with this one type of man

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  • All French women fall in love with this one type of man
All French women fall in love with this one type of man
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

When it comes to fashion and lifestyle, we love looking to France, and it's the same when it comes to love. We've now come across ONE type of man who is taking the hearts of French women by storm...

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The type of man we fall in love with depends on many factors. It's certainly no different with the French, but one quality seems to be particularly attractive...

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How men win women's hearts is a science in itself, but now we've discovered what all French women truly value.

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The type of man we fall in love with depends on many factors. It's certainly no different with the French, but one quality seems to be particularly attractive...

It's never wrong to look around at French women for questions about beauty, fashion and lifestyle, but what about men? We're always talking about the "French Lover", the type of man we stylize and turn into a true icon when it comes to the one and only L'Amour. We have now found out whether clichés are simply served here or whether this one type of French really exists. In doing so, we came across character traits and approaches that melt the hearts of women in rows. The secret of what exactly the advertising games à la française look like and what the French attach great importance to when it comes to choosing their partner has been revealed and we don't want to keep you in suspense any longer...

In diesen einen Typ Mann verlieben sich alle Französinnen

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Hardly any time is more beautiful and exciting than that of being newly in love and being courted, when everything still feels new and you are getting to know each other. When it comes to wooing women, the French in particular are real professionals, because it is not without reason that they are said to be the lovers par excellence. But what distinguishes this type? Of course, if you want to conquer a woman, you need a lot of talent! This includes charm, humor, esprit and, according to the French, especially courage! Because only a man who throws everything into the balance, shows himself vulnerable and opens his heart honestly can imagine opportunities. This type of Frenchman knows that women want to be courted and adored and conquered by all means. Our neighbors value creativity, manners and wit in their husbands. It's completely different with us: We want a partner with whom we can steal horses, although of course that doesn't mean that we don't like to be wooed... 🇫🇷

To get us on the radar of this type of man, we have an insider tip for you: fragrances that are guaranteed to draw a lot of attention...

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