Album review: Kummer - Kiox

Album review: Kummer - Kiox
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

"I make rap soft again, I'll make it sad again," said Felix Kummer in the preliminary single "Not the music".And that is exactly what he takes on his debut album.

Because of the typical Poser habit, which is otherwise so widespread in hip-hop, there is little to see on “Kiox”-so as not to say: nothing at all.

Grief, full-time singer of the band Kraftklub, is demonstrative against self-optimization (already mentioned “not the music”) and outfit cult (“How much is your outfit worth?”).He thinks of his youth in Chemnitz, in which "people like us just collect".And is surprised that he does not feel any revenge feelings towards those thugs, but only pity (“9010”).

The hometown of Felix Brummer, according to his previous stage name, is always present.So also on “ship” on which you sit stuck, and yet somehow wants to flee.Of course this means the city.

Album-Review: Kummer - KIOX

The “soft” rap also likes to be noticeable with certain twists.This is how Kummer describes himself as a misanthrop in “okay” and then sing about a person who is actually very okay.Similar topic, a different song: “with you”.And then there would be the great appearance of Max Raabe in the song “The rest of my life”.

Power club fans should also like the album.The rocking elements are missing, but Kummer lives his soft spot for strong, witty texts fully.“I can hardly walk, but see how I dance '” from “With you” is one of them.

By the way: “Kiox” is the name of the record store that Kummer's father once operated in his hometown.Now the name is recycled and now stands for beautiful, soft, sad rap.

Albuminfos Kummer – KIOX

Artist: Kummeralbumname: Kioxvö: 11.10.2019Label: Kummer & Eklat Tonträ official

Photos: Hotel Rocco and Promo

“KIOX” von Kummer kaufen