All-year guest garden: The best heating solutions | - host successfully

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All-year guest garden: The best heating solutions | - host successfully
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Guest and schani gardens are not only popular with smokers.They enlarge the usable area of a restaurant, are quickly assembled and dismantled and often requested in Covid 19 times than the lovingly designed interiors.Wouldn't be your weather dependency!Rails are quickly set up- but no guest makes it comfortable for hours with a few plus or even freezing levels outdoors.The outdoor area or at least the guest must be heated.

Types of heaters

Gasbrenner: Von Weihnachtsmärkten und immer häufiger auch aus Gastgärten kennt man die pilzförmigen gasbetriebenen Edelstahl-Geräte, gerne auch „Heizschwammerl“ genannt.They are available in different performance classes, sizes and possible uses;From the standing table to the seating area, which corresponds to heating services between 8 and 12 kW (kilowatts).The weight is between 12 and 20 kg plus 22 kg for a filled 11 kg propanga bottle.

Heating mushrooms generate heat by lighting propangas at a burner, which is mostly attached over head height, and heat the metal body under the cover.The radiation of body and mushroom -shaped cover ensures all -round heat.

Infrared spotlight: Moderner sind elektrisch betriebene Infrared spotlight.Their radiation does not heat up the ambient air - unlike the gas -powered heating fungus - but only releases its energy when it comes to a fixed surface such as the human body.The heating output of individual elements is usually between 0.7 and 4.0kW.As electrical appliances, you need rainproof roofing for use outdoors or should at least meet the protection class IP44 (gladly).

The feeling of warmth is similar to that of the sun, which also releases around half of their energy as infrared radiation.However, since the air around the guest is not heated, it can be.Feel cooler on the back under a spotlight than under a heating fungus.

Pelletheizung: Auch in Terrassenöfen oder Pelletfackeln werden Brennstoffe wie beim gasbetriebenen Heizstrahler auf traditionelle Art und Weise verbrannt.However, pellet heating is climate -neutral: the CO2 created during the combustion was previously recorded by the tree in the course of its growth.

Pellet heating not only releases warmth, it is also the only heating form to convey mood through its flame that is visible behind the protective glass.Your heating power is between 2.5 and 6 kW depending on the model and size.

Advantages and disadvantages of the concepts

Heating fungus

Ganzjahres-Gastgarten: Die besten Heizlösungen | – erfolgreich gastgeben

Infrared spotlight

Pellet heating, by a.grue

Zubehör & mögliche Probleme

Die schlanke Bauform typischer Gasheizstrahler prädestiniert sie für Stehtische, auf welchen Speisen und Getränke abgestellt werden können - der Gas-Heating fungus "wächst" aus dem Tisch, die Gasflasche bleibt darunter zugänglich.However, parasols or other textiles have to be fired fire -proof and far enough from heat source and waste heat are removed directly over it.

Infrared heater is usually assembled into three or four devices in order to achieve good all-round radiation and then generate a pleasant climate via seating groups or larger tables.So it makes sense to assemble them under a sun or umbrella in the linkage.Such systems, sometimes even with integrated LED lighting, can be found in numerous providers.However, the energy intake of such combination systems is high, which is when connecting or.the configuration of the supplying electric system must be observed.For example, four spotlights á 2kW add up (2.000 w) already without light on 8kw and require corresponding electrical protection.

Pellet -powered terrace stoves or heating torches build comparatively low.The borosilicate glass heats up through the fire and radiates heat - however, the guest can also burn on it.

What performance do I need?

Das vom Vergleichsportal Netzsieger in seinem Heating fungus-Test mit "sehr gut" bewertete Modell 9376 von Enders kommt als standalone-Gerät mit einer Nennleistung von 8000W aus und ist zudem mit Abschaltautomatik beim Umfallen abgesichert.Depending on the expected and weather conditions, the heating output of the selected device should not be too tight- a controllable gas heating spotlight that does not have to run on "full throttle" away from clinking winter cold, is also better in consumption.

For protected outdoor areas such as terraces or balconies, around 150 W/m² are required for electric heating radiation, in the case of open areas such as a garden, it is already 250 W/m² because no heat radiation is reflected.The required heat output of the infrared rider calculates as follows: area X recommended heating power per m² = required heat output.This calculation also works the other way around - the 2100W of the Halogen spotlights Einhell NHH 2100, which is also evaluated "very well", are enough for 8.4 square meters in the garden or 14 square meters in protected areas.

Heating costs comparison gas vs. Infrared spotlight vs.Pellets

The average electricity price in Austria is between 17-25 cents/kWh.If you use an electric heating spotlight with a maximum output of 2500 watts, you pay just 42.5-62.5 cents every hour at full heating force.With a larger system with 4x2000W, it is already 1.36 to 2 euros.

Beim Gas betriebenen Heating fungus müssen Sie deutlich tiefer in die Tasche greifen.Because the terrace heaters, which are usually used in the catering trade, have a gas consumption of 450-600, but with powerful devices from at least 800g-1000g per hour.With gas prices between € 1.1 and € 1.8/kg, the hourly operating costs are between € 0.49 and € 1.80 depending on the device class.

The pellet heating lies with an average price of 4.0 euros per sack with 15 kg between electricity and expensive gas heating: a consumption of 5 kg pellets on a burning time of three hours results in heating costs of € 1.33/h.

What for whom?

Without a power connection, only gas radiators and pellet heating remain to choose from.They can be freely placed depending on the spatial conditions, for this they require frequent (pellets) or at least regular (gas supply) refill).The typical 11 kg bottles are not exactly easy at 22 kg.Due to the fire (pellet) or.However, you are not allowed everywhere of the CO2 emissions (gas)-find out about the corresponding Shaneigarten regulations in your state before buying!

Electrical heating systems have a big advantage: they are maintenance and emission-free.To do this, require a strong electrical system for supply - ask your electrician whether the existing infrastructure is strong enough for this additional burden or.How high the cost of appropriate upgrade is.If you also combine them with green electricity, you can have a pure climate knowledge.

If the ambience plays an important role, some well -placed pellet torches for the optics can be combined with infrared heating devices for well -being - a solution that is particularly possible in larger guest gardens.