This applies to existing buildings from May 2021 |

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  • This applies to existing buildings from May 2021 |
This applies to existing buildings from May 2021 |
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Owners of small residential buildings with up to four residential units, for which the building application was submitted before November 1, 1977 and which were no longer energetically modernized, are obliged to demonstrate the energetic needs and thus the entire building quality with the so -called energy requirements ID.So -called energy consumption proof is sufficient for all other residential buildings.So far, this has been easily and inexpensively determined from the consumption figures of the past three years.However, because the energy data determined in this way depends heavily on the user behavior and reveals little about the energetic quality of the building, the legislator has readjusted.

The energy consumption ID must name the energy balance of the building in more detail from May 1, 2021.To do this, the building must be examined on site, documented with photos and modernization measures recommended.This results in a good overview of the defects and possible energy saving potential of an existing building.

Das gilt ab Mai 2021 für Bestandsgebäude |

The new opposite and the associated new energy certificates and recommendations for modernizations show that many aspects have to interlock sensibly in order to achieve a long -term sustainable savings effect of energy and CO₂ in buildings.House owners who intend to renovate their residential property anyway benefit twice if they have their new energy consumption ID card created together with an individual renovation schedule (ISFP).

For the ISFP creation by an energy consultant, the state pays up to 80 percent of the costs.At the same time, you also get a well -thought -out, optional plan for the economic energetic renovation of the building.

Source: FMI specialist association mineral wool industry e.V. / Delia Roscher