The Hintes have had the trade fair gene for 75 years

The Hintes have had the trade fair gene for 75 years
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Karlsruhe (BNN) – In the European trade fair world, Karlsruhe also stands for the private Hinte trade fair. It's been around for 75 years. The fourth generation has recently gotten involved. A review.

By BNN editor Dirk Neubauer

Trade fair organizers for generations, that's the Hintes. 75 years ago, the Karlsruhe family company Hinte-Messe was born, which is well known in the Karlsruhe technology region, but also throughout Germany and other European countries. Karl Hinte Sr., the company founder, was already an exhibition organizer of old hat and grain. The trained decorator, whom his numerous friends only called "Charly", started working in trade fairs and exhibitions as early as 1926. Two years later, at the age of 25, he started his own business. In Halle an der Saale he mounted his first exhibition. Many more followed before the start of the war, such as “Film und Photo” in Düsseldorf in 1937.

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