The dark sides of surrogacy the dark sides of surrogacy

The dark sides of surrogacy the dark sides of surrogacy
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

The mother & APOs; s belly is our first home in this world. Babies recognize the mother & APOs; s voice after birth and feel most comfortable with her. The mother also feels an emotional attachment to the baby. But it doesn't matter with surrogacy. Babies are treated like a commodity and women & APOs; s bellies are treated like rented incubators. From a miracle of nature has become a billion-dollar business where rich couples pay high sums to let poor women give birth to a child.

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In Germany, lending or rental motherhood is prohibited. Bioethics and feminists demand a worldwide ban. For her, surrogacy is equivalent to organ trafficking and exploits destitute women. The ethically questionable background of this business and the rights of the babies would also be ignored, according to the criticism. Even if adults see themselves as cell donors and surrogates, for the children they are parents who have obligations. Having been begotten in this way, children in adulthood often find themselves to be a great insult, say psychologists.

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