Told grinding no obstacle for implants |Health City Berlin

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Told grinding no obstacle for implants |Health City Berlin
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

In Germany, the number of dental implants set annually has been estimated in the past 20 years of 380.000 increased to around 1.3 million.Some textbooks say that temporary joint problems or an occlusion problem are a contraindication for implants.The German Society for Implantology in Dental, Oral and Maw area now contradicts this.

"Patients with jaw joint problems can also benefit from implants," says Prof.Dr.Peter Rammelsberg.After all, patients could always have both - a need for implants and at the same time problems on the temporomandibular joint or problems in the chewing muscle area

Implant success a question of stability

This also applies to patients with bruxism, i.e. with people who grind their teeth."Tern grinding is not a contraindication for implants," said the dentist from the Heidelberg University Hospital.

Although this disorder is not expected to be the temporomandibular joint diseases, it is related to them, since crunching could have an effect on the temporomandibular joint."Bruxism is a risk factor that increases technical complications," emphasizes Professor Rammelsberg.In these patients, the dentist must choose stable materials for dentures and also install them on a stable support on implants.Then the increased risk factors are also responsible, according to the implant expert.

When it cracks in the jaw joint

Implants are therefore also suitable for people in whom it cracks in the temporomandibular joint.The crack is the result of a shift in the cartilage disk.This so -called discus can slip out of its normal position.When he slides back at the mouth opening, it cracks in the temporomandibular joint.If this no longer happens, a painful jaw block can be the case."If such affected patients require implant treatment, the relocation is of course not influenced.It is then an implant patient with discus shift, ”says Rammelsberg."Nevertheless, we know from investigations that stable side tooth support can be helpful to relieve the jaw joints, even if the discus shift cannot be healed, of course."

Only if patients with craniomandibular dysfunction (CMD) have pronounced psychosomatic stress, the experts tend to advise against an implant.

Photo: Pixabay

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