Study: Mothers with Corona infection can breastfeed |Health City Berlin

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Study: Mothers with Corona infection can breastfeed |Health City Berlin
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner
Covid-19-InfektionsschutzDonnerstag,3. Februar 2022– Autor: Adalbert Zehnder Stillen ist für Säuglinge elementar. Gestillte Kinder sind im Erwachsenenleben besser gegen vielerlei Krankheiten gefeit wie Herzinfarkt, Diabetes oder Allergien. Aber was ist, wenn die Mutter in der Stillzeit mit dem Coronavirus infiziert ist? Eine US-Studie erhärtet die These, dass das Virus in Muttermilch praktisch nicht vorkommt und deshalb bedenkenlos gestillt werden kann. Dies untermauert bestehende Empfehlungen von WHO und deutscher Stillkommission.

Because the coronavirus is transmitted via respiratory aerosols, breastfeeding itself is now considered safe.Nevertheless, women have to take heart during breastfeeding corona hygiene rules.- Photo: Adobestock/Lolostock

When it comes to Corona vaccination, the scientific data situation is clear: unvaccinated pregnant women land six times as often with Covid-19 in the intensive care unit like vaccinated;Your premature birth risk is almost twice as high as in healthy.Therefore, gynecologists urgently call for vaccination: women with a baby in the stomach in the intensive care unit represented "unnecessary tragedies".But what does it look like when the breastfeeding mother is infected?Is breastfeeding possibly dangerous for the child?

"Substantial evidence that breastfeeding is not a risk"

"After a recent infection, Sars-Cov-RNA can be proven in breast milk in rare cases," write the US scientists in the journal Pediatric Research, in which the results of the study have now been published.“But we did not find any indications that breast milk contains infectious viruses or that breastfeeding represents a risk factor for transferring the infection to infants.“The data provided substantial evidence that the breastfeeding of women who have been confirmed or suspected of survived SARS-COV-2 infection is not a risk of infants.

110 breastfeeding mothers - not a single sample with virus

Inheritance material (RNA) of the new Coronavirus had already been demonstrated in breast milk in previous studies.But whether a risk of health is going on - so far, no reliable statements have been made.The study situation was too thin.The US scientists from the University of San Diego in California have now examined 110 lactating (breast milk producing) mothers with and without confirmed COVID-19 infection."An infectious virus was found in no sample," write the US doctors in the specialist contribution published in January.

Mehr zum Thema bei Gesundheitsstadt Berlin24.11.2021Vierte Corona-WelleFrauenärzte rufen Schwangere dringend zu Covid-19-Impfung aufDeutschlandweit machen offenbar viel zu wenige Schwangere vom flächendeckenden Impfangebot gegen Covid-19 Gebrauch. Die Folge: Frauen mit Baby im Bauch auf der...lesen

Still Commission: "The advantages of breastfeeding outweigh"

The US study now presented is small in terms of the number of subjects.But: It coincides with recommendations from the World Health Organization WHO.Because breast milk is probably not a source of transmission, the "National Standard Commission" in Germany also recommends women to satisfy their babies."The advantages of breastfeeding predominance," says a statement by the committee at the Max-Rubner Institute in Karlsruhe.

COVID-19 infection protection: What breastfeeding must still consider

Since Covid-19 is transferred from the breathing air to virus-containing droplets, the experts advise to take the coronat-typical hygiene measures to heart when breastfeeding breastfeeding."Mothers who are infected or possibly infected with COVID-19 should prevent virus transmission through droppings by thorough hands before and after contact with the child and by wearing a mouth," says a recommendation of theUnit committee.

Also pay attention to hygiene when pumping milk pumps

If a mother suffering from Covid-19 is not able to satisfy her child, special support is required.The breast milk can also be pumped out and fed to the infant via another person."Here, too, the hygiene should be paid to the hygiene and the pump and vials should be sterilized after use," the still commission continues.These hygiene measures are generally recommended in conjunction with the cleaning/disinfection of contaminated surfaces for the handling of infected or possibly infected persons with children.

Hauptkategorie: CoronaLesen Sie weitere Nachrichten zu diesen Themen: Hygiene, Infektionskrankheiten, Coronavirus, Schwangerschaft, StillenIhnen gefällt dieser Beitrag? Empfehlen Sie uns weiter.

More messages on the subject of "Covid-19 and pregnancy"


Covid-19: When does vaccination for breastfeeding mothers make sense

Foto: ©Oksana Kuzmina -

Even if a vaccination with "non-living vaccines" during breastfeeding is not a particular risk for the mother or infant: the specialist societies do not recommend a special risk: a routine vaccination of all breaches is not recommended.The situation is different for mothers who are part of a risk group because of certain underlying diseases.more

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