STIKO speaks for covid 19 vaccination of pregnant and breastfeeding

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STIKO speaks for covid 19 vaccination of pregnant and breastfeeding
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner
/Africa Studio,

Berlin-The Standing Vaccination Commission (STIKO) today pronounced a general Covid 19 vaccination recommendation for pregnant and breastfeeding.So far not or incompletely vaccinated pregnant women from the 2.Peggot and non-vaccinated breastfeeding should therefore be vaccinated with two doses of an MRNA vaccine.

In addition, the STIKO expressly recommends that the vaccination against Covid-19 in childceptible age.


This aspect of the recommendation was particularly important to the Commission, reports Stiko member Christian Bogdan.Because vaccination protection over the entire pregnancy is only guaranteed if the vaccination is vaccinated, the director of the microbiological institute at the University Hospital Erlangen explained.

Federal Minister of Health Jens Spahn (CDU) welcomed the positive vote of the STIKO: "Even pregnant and breastfeeding women now have a clear recommendation for vaccination.After many months with many open questions, this means finally scientifically justified certainty."

So far, the recommendation of the STIKO was to offer only pregnant women with previous illnesses and a high risk of severe covid-19 disease after a benefit-risk assessment and detailed clarification of a vaccination with an MRNA vaccine.

Pregnancy is an independent risk factor for serious course

The new recommendation is based on a systematic processing of the data that has become available in the past few weeks on the risk of severe covid-19 courses in pregnancy as well as the effectiveness and safety of a Covid 19 vaccination in pregnant and breaches, according to a message from the STIKO.

„Unter anderem hat sich herausgestellt, dass die Schwangerschaft per se ein eigenständiger Risikofaktor für einen schweren COVID-19-Verlauf ist", sagte Marianne Röbl-Mathieu.The resident gynecologist and obstetrician from Munich is a member of the STIKO and spokeswoman for the AG COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy.

STIKO spricht sich für COVID-19-Impfung von Schwangeren und Stillenden aus

In addition, the spread of the delta variant and the associated higher infection pressure played a role for unvaccinated. „Es hat sich zudem herausgestellt, dass der Zugang zur Im­pfung für Schwangere bisher erschwert war", so Röbl-Mathieu.

Ein „Gerechtigkeitsaspekt" habe somit ebenfalls in die Entscheidung hineingespielt – angesichts dessen, dass die verfügbaren Daten nicht auf unerwartete schwere Nebenwirkungen hindeuteten, aber auf eine vergleichbare Wirksamkeit wie bei Nicht-Schwangeren.

However, pregnant women are removed from the recommendation in 1.Trimeron.On the one hand, there is no sufficient data, especially for early pregnancy, Bogdan says.On the other hand, the immune system is in 1.Trimeron sehr aktiv und in dieser Phase wolle man immunologische Veränderungen, etwa durch Fieber, eine typische Impfreaktion, möglichst vermeiden.

on the subject

Die aktualisierte generelle Impfempfehlung gilt auch für Stillende: Man habe damit vor allem klarstellen wollen, dass „Stillen kein Hinderungsgrund für eine COVID-19-Impfung ist", so Röbl-Mathieu."Shallths should also have the opportunity to protect themselves."

Darüber gibt es „ermutigende erste Daten", so Bogdan, dass die durch die mütterliche Impfung gebildeten Antikörper über die Muttermilch ausgeschieden werden und einen gewissen Nestschutz vermitteln könnten.

The draft decision with the associated detailed scientific justification had gone into the prescribed statement procedure with the federal states and the specialist groups involved.

The final recommendation of the STIKO for vaccination during pregnancy and in the event of a breastfeeding appears after this statement procedure and subsequent renewed advice to the STIKO appear promptly in the epidemiological bulletin.Changes to the recommendation are therefore possible up to this point. © nec/