Shower heads, heating levels, paper trick: How consumers can simply save energy

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Shower heads, heating levels, paper trick: How consumers can simply save energy
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Cologne -

Due to the increased increased energy costs, the federal government is launching a one -time heating allowance for the needy.Housing benefit, BAföG and training beneficiaries are to be paid for automatically between 115 and 175 euros, with larger households from recipients of housing 35 euros per person.However, consumers can also do a lot in everyday life to save energy and reduce costs.An energy consultant at Cologne Consumer Center gives tips.

The right room temperature

Depending on whether someone lives for rent or in your own home, the scope for action is different sizes.One factor that tenants can also easily control is the room temperature."We recommend setting different temperatures for different rooms," says Thomas Zwingmann."It doesn't have to be as warm in the kitchen as in the living room.18 degrees often meet here."It is important to keep the doors between the rooms closed."Otherwise you will heat up the rest of the building."

Zwingmann even warns against letting a room unheated in order to passively heat it through the open door."For example, if the warm air is led into the cold bedroom from the living room, this increases the risk of mold." Denn die warme, feuchte Luft treffe dort auf kalte Wände – keine gute Kombination.

In addition, the heating should only be placed on the actually desired temperature level, for example level three for about 20 degrees. „Eine Heizung ist kein Wasserhahn – sie wird nicht schneller warm, wenn man sie voll aufdreht", so Zwingmann."You don't make the speed, but the end temperature." Wer einen regelmäßigen Tagesrhythmus habe, könne außerdem automatische Temperaturabsenkungen einstellen.

The tightness of windows and doors

The thick windows and doors, the less heat escapes outside - so far, so obvious.Nevertheless, there are still houses in Cologne, whose windows are simply simply glazed. „Die müssen unbedingt ersetzt werden", sagt Zwingmann.Anyone who is currently in a financial emergency situation or as a tenant cannot convince the owners to exchange ideas should help themselves with a special window film."If it is glued closely, it can simulate the double glazing - but that is really just an emergency measure."

In order to measure the tightness of the windows, there is also a simple trick: Open the window, keep a sheet of paper in the frame and completely close again.If the paper can now be pulled out, the window is not tight enough,

Furthermore, Zwingmann recommends that the density of the house entrance door and especially not to neglect the downwards downwards.There are various aids here, for example brush seals.

Saving hot water

„Gerade bei elektrischen Durchlauferhitzern können wassersparende Armaturen einen echten Unterschied machen", sagt Zwingmann.Some shower heads consume twelve liters of water per minute - others, much more modern only six.The perceived amount of water is similar due to the recent technology."Half of water and energy can be saved by an exchange.The costs are manageable and move in the double-digit euro range."

Use of energy -efficient devices

Thomas Zwingmann has a clear opinion about one device: "The best thing about a dryer would not be used." Ansonsten sollte man sich auf Geräte mit möglichst guter Energieeffizienzklasse konzentrieren.It is important to note: New information has been in place since March 2021, instead of A +++, A ++ and A +there is now only a simple classification of A to G.

With more than 15 years old devices, an exchange could be useful.If you are not sure how energy -efficient, for example, the refrigerator is still in practice, you can borrow a electricity meter at the consumer center.

Put out devices

Also a simple trick: put on the devices that are otherwise in standby mode."For private consumers, that's only a few euros a year. Entscheidend ist hier aber die globale Wirkung", sagt Zwingmann."If a million Cologne residents have no devices in stand-by mode, that can make a lot." Das gilt zum Beispiel für Fernseher, Radios, Drucker und Kaffeevollautomaten.Here, too, consumers can check themselves with a current measuring device themselves.

Technical Equipment

Owners can also carry out a variety of measures on their own property.The insulation of the pipeline for the hot water supply in the basement is particularly low -threshold and cheap.The exchange of the heating pump in a single -family house, on the other hand, costs around 500 euros, but can save 150 euros annually. „Die Pumpe ist einer der größten Einzelenergieverbraucher im Haushalt", so Zwingmann."It can make up to 10 percent of the energy consumption of a single -family house."

The NRW consumer center offers on 8.February, 18 to 19.30 Uhr, eine kostenlose Online-Veranstaltung zum Thema „Energie einsparen in Haus und Wohnung" an.Energy consultant Thomas Zwingmann explains various measures, the participants can ask questions.To do this, a registration under the consumer center.NRW/e-seminars required