Expert associations welcome extended vaccination recommendation from the US health authority

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Expert associations welcome extended vaccination recommendation from the US health authority
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner


Gynecological associations in Germany welcome the extended vaccination recommendation of the US health authority CDC.On the basis of new study data and against the background of the high-containing Delta variant, this has extended its recommendations for vaccination with an MRNA-based vaccine to all pregnant and breastfeeding women.Women with desire to have children should also be vaccinated.

The German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics E.V.(DGGG), The German Society for Perinatal Medicine E.V.(DGPM), The German Society for Prenatal and Obstates.V.(DGPGM) and the AG Obstetrics and prenatal medicine in the DGGG E.V.(AGG) welcome the extended vaccination recommendation of the US health authority CDC.Last week, this had extended their recommendations for vaccination with a mRNA-based vaccine to all pregnant and breastfeeding women on the basis of new study data..[1]

The vaccines are safe and effective, and it is more urgent than ever to increase the number of vaccinations, explains CDC manager DR.Rochelle Walensky in a corresponding notification of her authority.1 Demnach beobachte man in den USA aktuell vor dem Hintergrund der ansteigenden Delta-Variante bei ungeimpften Schwangeren schwere Folgen von COVID-19.

Fachverbände begrüßen erweiterte Impf-Empfehlung der US-Gesundheitsbehörde

Hope increases that the stiko will follow promptly

The importance of the decision comments.Ekkehard Schleussner, head of the group of authors of the vaccination recommendations of the German gynecological associations: "We welcome the decision of the US health authority with reprint.With the general recommendation for the vaccination of all pregnant and breastfeeding with an mRNA-based vaccine, in the sense of our patients in Germany, we naturally combine the hope that the Standing Commission (STIKO) will join the Robert Koch Institute in a timely manner.Especially in view of the particularly contagious Delta variant of SARS-COV-2, the vaccination for our vulnerable patient group is imperative to prevent serious illnesses during pregnancy, during birth and during breastfeeding."

With regard to the affected patients in Germany, the organizations mentioned have already spoken out for a prioritized COVID-19 protection vaccination for pregnant and breastfeeding women with an mRNA-based vaccine and also published a FAQ [2,3].The available scientific literature was evaluated as the basis for the recommendations. Das Ergebnis zeige, dass eine Impfung aller Schwangeren sehr sinnvoll wäre und dieVorteile einer COVID-19-Impfung für Schwangere alle bekannten oder potenziellen Risiken überwiegen.The risk of premature birth alone is up to 80 % higher in COVID-19, than in healthy pregnant women.There are also numerous other risks for the non -vaccinated sick mother and her unborn child.The authors of the eleven specialist organizations also emphasize the safety of the mRNA-based vaccination for breastfeeding mothers, which in the event of vaccination does not have to take a breastfeeding break.

Note: With the STIKO, the available data for a COVID-19 vaccination during pregnancy is currently being systematically processed.Results are expected from the end of August, reports the Doctors Zeitung.[4]

Additional information:

  1. New CDC Data: COVID-19Vaccination Safe for Pregnant People
  2. Empfehlung der COVID-19-Impfung für schwangere und stillende Frauen
  3. Häufig gestellte Fragen zur COVID-19-Schutzimpfung für schwangere und stillende Frauen
  4. CDC empfiehlt COVID-19-Impfung für Schwangere und Stillende | ÄrzteZeitung

Source: Press release of the German Society for Gynecology and Obstetrics E.V.© DGGG

Author/authors: Äin-Red