Pregnant and breastfeedingTogether against Corona

Pregnant and breastfeedingTogether against Corona
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

According to previous knowledge, pregnant women do not have an increased risk of infection-but compared to non-pregnant women, a severe course of infection more often.

The risk factors for a heavier COVID-19 course include a age of the mother, severe overweight, previous illnesses such as high blood pressure or pregnancy diabetes.Pregnant women should therefore adhere particularly strongly to the rules of conduct that are summarized in the AHA formula: keep your distance (at least 1.5 meters), observe hygiene rules (cough and sneezing into the crook of the arm or a paper handkerchief as well as thorough hand washing) and in everyday life maskwear.In addition, the constant vaccination commission (STIKO) recommends the corona protection vaccination or booster vaccination with Comirnaty® from Biontech/Pfizer from the second third of pregnancy..

Schwangere und Stillende | Zusammen gegen Corona

Further information and interesting facts for pregnant women in corona pandemic can be found in this article.

Status: 03.01.2021