Pregnancy and Corona - "Prevent Covid disease to reduce premature birth rate"

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Pregnancy and Corona - "Prevent Covid disease to reduce premature birth rate"
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pregnancy and Corona "prevent Covid disease to reduce premature birth rate"

A vaccination makes sense at all times of pregnancy, said obstetrician Ekkehard Schleussner in DLF. The recommendation of vaccinating only after the end of the first third of pregnancy, is only based on security concerns in Germany and not at facts.

Ekkehard Schleußner in conversation with Lennart Pyritz | 23.11.2021

listening 06:02
Pregnancy is considered a risk factor for a severe covid-19 course. So far, around 10,000 cases of SARS-COV-2-positive pregnancies have been reported in Germany, including numerous intensive patients and several cases with a fatal outcome. Representatives of several obstetric societies have updated their recommendations for the care of infected pregnancy and their newborns. It is also about very practical information for obstetricians. Professor Ekkehard Schleußner heads the Clinic for Obstetrics at the University Hospital in Jena and has significantly developed the recommendations. "We know that Corona vaccination in pregnant women protects very well and very effectively from the disease. In the meantime, there are thousands, yes, hundreds of thousands of data, especially from Israel and the USA, which have done and have shown great register studies that there is a complete protection about ten days to two weeks after vaccination, "said Schleussner.
Lennart Pyritz: Mr. Schleussner, the STIKO has been recommending pregnant women since September Letting base vaccine vaccinated now also apply to booster vaccination. What is the current state of knowledge when you briefly collect it? What benefits and risks does the Corona vaccination have for pregnant women and their offspring? Ekkehard Schleussner: We know that the Corona vaccination in pregnant women protects very well and very effectively from the disease. In the meantime, there are thousands, yes, hundreds of thousands of data, especially from Israel and the United States, which have done great register studies and have shown that there is full protection about ten days to two weeks after vaccination. We ourselves in Jena ourselves had also examined a small number of cases that showed that the formation of antibodies, including the active, the neutralizing antibodies in pregnant women in no way differs from women and men of the same age. So the effect, the effectiveness of the vaccination is the same. And we know that the side effects of the vaccinations, which has also been shown in large studies, does not differ in any way from women who are not pregnant. On the contrary: tends to be a big work from Jama, from an American journal, from autumn this year-even pregnant women seem to have a little less short-term side effects, i.e. less pain and less tiredness than non-pregnant. But that is only in the tedenz.

"vaccination recommended at any time of pregnancy"

pyritz: What about the risk of premature babies? Schleussner: In connection with the vaccination, premature births are prevented Covid disease is a much more serious illness in pregnant women than in non-pregnant women. Pregnant women develop about twice as often from serious illnesses with the need for ventilation, ITS, intensive treatment, but also- and that is the experience of the past one and a half years: the premature birth rate is increased two to triple. So we have to prevent the covid disease to lower the premature birth rate. We can calm women. In the meantime, we know from American studies and also from Israel data that the rate of miscarriages is not increased. That is why, except in Germany, the vaccination is also recommended at any time of pregnancy at any time in the USA, England and our neighboring country, in the world, even in Germany. Only in Germany we have from our security concerns, which, however, do not have any substance, but are not based on general security emphasis, said, okay, we only vaccinate after the end of the first third of pregnancy, from the 12th, 13th week of pregnancy. < H2> "Antibodies pass into breast milk and protect the child" Pyritz: What is the recommendation in breastfeeding women? Is there anything to consider in terms of vaccination? Schleussner: There is no reason not to be vaccinated as a breastfeeding. The vaccine does not work or only in excessively small quantities ... it can be demonstrated in breast milk. But what is the antibodies, the antibodies that are formed within 10 to 14 days: they go into breast milk and protect the child. Design interest in the coron virus pyritz: their current recommendations also deal with the care of infected pregnant So the prevention has not succeeded, for example, the birth and the question of whether pregnant women with SARS-COV-2 is a spontaneous birth or a caesarean section better. So the reports from China and then from Italy, where you didn't know how to deal with the disease, a lot of women have been released by Caesarean section. This is not necessary. We recommend that a caesarean section should only be made from an obstetric indication, i.e. if there is a dangerous situation for the mother because she is seriously ill, of course, but that would happen with another seriously ill, or because A caesarean section is to be made during birth. There is no reason to end pregnancy earlier because of the covid disease, i.e. to make artificial premature birth, or to make a caesarean section if the mother is not seriously ill.

infected mother and child should not be separated < /H2> Pyritz: To what extent can or should newborns be uninfected with their infected mother from a medical point of view? What are the current recommendations of your specialist society? Schleußner: We have remained with our recommendation, which we already said in the spring of last year that mother and child should not be separated. In the meantime, we know that when observing hygiene guidelines, i.e. that the mother wears mask and disinfects the hands, the contact between mother and newborns is possible and, yes, meaningful, necessary, and also breastfeeding is possible Conversation partners reflect their own views. Deutschlandfunk does not make statements from its conversation partners in interviews and discussions. Com/Drawing/Article_Results_6/2022/3/2C413671BE291EF148DDDD0061274182_1.JPEG "Alt =" Pregnancy and Corona - "Prevent Covid disease to reduce premature birth rate" "Title =" Pregnancy and Corona - "COVID disease, around the early age to lower "">

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