Police are looking for three perpetrators: racist attack on young people - "feeling of helplessness"

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  • Police are looking for three perpetrators: racist attack on young people - "feeling of helplessness"
Police are looking for three perpetrators: racist attack on young people - "feeling of helplessness"
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

After a racist attack on a young woman in Berlin and a lot of outrage on the Internet, the police are still looking for three perpetrators involved.So far, seven references have been received by witnesses, who are now being followed, a police spokeswoman said on Thursday.

In addition, the police spoke to the 17-year-old victim again and keep tight contact.Video recordings by surveillance cameras from the BVG transport company were secured and were evaluated.The young woman had posted a video on social media.Then there were many reactions on the Internet.

After the attack on Saturday evening, the police had arrested three men aged 42, 44 and 51 as a suspected attacker in a pub in the area.A policeman had recognized one of the men on a video that the young woman had made of the perpetrators and was able to assign him to a pub because of previous missions.The three drunk men contested the deed and said nothing about the three women.

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Polizei sucht drei Täterinnen : Rassistischer Angriff auf Jugendliche – „Gefühl der Hilflosigkeit

The Turkish-born 17-year-old from Berlin had been racistically mobbed and kicked by three women and three men on Saturday evening in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg on Saturday evening in Berlin-Prenzlauer Berg.In a video from the hospital, she sometimes reported crying about the incident: "I was beaten together yesterday because I am a foreigner."

She called for help, but despite many people in the area, nobody intervened.The video now comes to seven million views on the Internet and more than 25.000 comments.

Schlimmer als der grundlose Angriff sei, dass sie „mit diesem Gefühl der Hilflosigkeit" leben müsse, sagte die 17-Jährige dem Nachrichtenportal „Watson". „Ich war wie ein kleiner Wurm, der gerade von einer Schar Vögel aufgefressen wird", schilderte die junge Frau, die laut eigenen Angaben ein leichtes Schädel-Hirn-Trauma, ein Bauch-Trauma, eine Gehirnerschütterung, Prellungen und viele blaue Flecke auf dem gesamten Körper verteilt hatte."I perceived this circle, which was formed around me, as a helper, I spoke to these people.Instead, I was insulted and laughed at.And I think that's a lot worse."

more on the subject

„Immer wieder erinnere ich mich an den Hass in ihren Augen"Rassistischer Angriff auf Jugendliche – Berliner Polizei gibt Fehler zu

The police had initially misrepresented the attack and wrote that the conflict was triggered that the woman had not worn Corona mask.The dpa had also taken over the original representation of the police in a report and, in addition.(dpa)