Window on the train, window on the bus: How the Berlin BVG explains opposing corona ventilation techniques

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  • Window on the train, window on the bus: How the Berlin BVG explains opposing corona ventilation techniques
Window on the train, window on the bus: How the Berlin BVG explains opposing corona ventilation techniques
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

In the subway, the BVG is now asking its passengers with stickers to open the topping windows-according to the motto: Better to sit on the train on the train than capture the corona virus in stale air.

But the opposite applies in many trams: the tipping windows are closed;Stickers indicate this so that passengers do not even pull on it.The windows are also rammed in most buses.How does that fit together with the request preached by experts with the consistent ventilation?

According to the BVG, air conditioning makes the difference: In contrast to the subway, all around 1400 buses and 280 out of almost 400 trams are equipped with air conditioning systems, which only work properly with closed windows.

"In contrast to aircraft, for example, our facilities ensure a high fresh air supply," says on request: The proportion of fresh air is "up to 80 percent" of the air flow.Added to this is the air exchange when opening the doors.

While the drivers have mostly opened all doors since the corona crisis in the trams, the front door has remained in buses since then, so that at least in the models with just one door there is no pulling through.According to BVG, which trams are air -conditioned is not necessarily recognizable for laypersons.

Open windows in air -conditioned vehicles "counterproductive"

In any case, one is based on "standards and recommendations of the Association of German Transport Companies".Open windows in air -conditioned vehicles would also be "counterproductive, as this counteracts air drying".Dry air means less aerosols.

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The Deutsche Bahn manifests itself in a similar way- and refers to a joint study with the German Aerospace Center, according to which the climate systems transmit almost no pathogenic particles at least in the ICE- thanks to the long ways of air flow as well as absorbing filters and drying of the air.For the regional trains, the train refers to "fresh air base mixture" and regular maintenance of the systems as well as the frequent holding with open doors.

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At the Berlin S-Bahn, the topic affects only the few new trains on the S 47 anyway.On all other lines, older trains are on the move without air conditioning, in which the tiled windows can be opened.

Especially with the most common series 481, it is often hellish when the windows are tilted, which is why many passengers close the windows as far as possible.

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But there will be no alternative for ventilation during the week: from Thursday on Thursday it should be hot over 30 degrees for several days in Berlin and Brandenburg for several days.