Omikron wave in Germany: how I best prepare for a quarantine

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Omikron wave in Germany: how I best prepare for a quarantine
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Omikron lets the number of infections rise rapidly and more and more people have to go into quarantine and isolation.There are no numbers of how many people are currently in quarantine or isolation, since the decisions are made partly by the respective health offices or within the individual counties.Many also volunteer in quarantine and are therefore not to be grasped.However, the 955.110 active cases that the Robert Koch Institute reports (as of 24.01.) - without hospitalization - close to just under one million people in isolation alone.

The Federal Government decided to shorten the deadlines for quarantine and isolation.In this way, contact persons and infected people can end their isolation or quarantine with a negative test after seven days.Without a test, it ends for everyone after ten days.But even seven days without personal contact with the outside world can be a long time.Contact persons who are boosted, freshly vaccinated and recovered no longer have to be in quarantine.

To distinguish: In the case of a quarantine, people in whom there is suspicion of corona infection are separated over a certain time-this concerns contact persons and travel returnees from risk areas.Insulation affects people with a confirmed corona infection, for example through a PCR test.With regard to the duration of the secretion, there is no difference between the groups.

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Here are a few tips to prepare for the time at home:

1.What do I need in my house kit?

Slight symptoms that can occur in connection with a corona infection often resemble cold symptoms, says Ursula Sellerberg, press spokeswoman for the German Pharmacist Association and herself pharmacist.The following means are particularly important for them:

Furthermore, Sellerberg recommends that the medicine pharmacy generally maintain well so that you have something against infections that can occur regardless of Corona during the quarantine - such as diarrhea or lip herpes.The checklist of every pharmacy case also includes medication for allergies, digestive problems, disinfectant, fever thermometer and a wound and healing ointment.The inventory should be checked every year whether the medication can still be used."Please do not take anything in which the expiry date has expired," says Sellerberg.

However, the following applies: Be sure to contact a doctor for Corona symptoms or the medical on-call service on 116117.

2.How do I provide myself?

For everything that is missing in the quarantine, there are several ways to take care of yourself.For example, assembled contact persons have not had to be in quarantine since last Saturday, which may make it easier to supply infected friends.Otherwise, various supermarkets such as Rewe also deliver to their customers.Delivery services such as gorillas or nimble can also be considered.

Countless delivery services are available for a finished meal.Most can also be paid online via PayPal, so that the handover can remain contactless.In the event that the favorite spizza around the corner only accepts cash, it would be good to always have a few notes at home.

3.How do I eat properly?

"Good nutrition is essential for health, especially at times when the immune system may be increasingly required," emphasizes the WHO.It gives tips on how a balanced diet in quarantine is possible if access to fresh food is limited.

At home cooking, cooking is clearly over a fully delivered meal for the WHO.Maybe it's finally time to try new recipes for which there is no leisure in everyday life.

Omikron-Welle in Deutschland : Wie ich mich am besten auf eine Quarantäne vorbereite

Pay attention to the correct quantities on portion sizes for many is a challenge for many.Especially when someone is alone at home without sufficient employment, this often leads to too much eating.A look at the guidelines for healthy eating helps, as well as the portion information in recipes.

Particularly recommended foods:

Properly store as so often: if you do it right, you have something of it longer.Fresh eggs belong in the fridge - or in the stomach.Bread, however, not.Meat and fish have to go down in the fridge, vegetables into the vegetable compartment.In a flat share, it is definitely recommended to store the food in your own subject - even without prescribed quarantine.

4.Where can I get help in everyday life?

If the pandemic had something good, then more people have networked to support themselves and others.Often notes in houses hang in the house that offer support.Throughout Germany, people organize themselves in the Facebook group “In quarantine?Neighbor helps! ".

In various districts of Berlin, chat groups were launched at the WhatsApp and Telegram messenger services in which people exchange ideas about mutual help offers - be it to shop or bring out the trash.Also on the www pages.Quartantahelden.Org and there are many willing helpers: inside.

5.How do I stay active?

For many who are otherwise physically active, time in quarantine can be a challenge and even have a negative impact on health.According to the WHO, the insulation can trigger many additional stress and thereby influence mental health.Movement helps to stay calm.However, only symptom -free infected people should pursue a sporting activity.

Basically, the WHO recommends 150 minutes of movement with moderate intensity, or 75 minutes of high load per week.This is also possible at home - without special equipment or a lot of space.Active short breaks a day are important, with small sporting units.This can be all - from cleaning, gardening to excessive dancing with loud vocals.If you like more structure, you can find an infinite number of videos about yoga or fitness courses on YouTube.

6.What emergency numbers should I know?

Basically, if symptoms occur, it is best to contact the family doctor.If this is not available, those affected can contact the medical on -call service at any time on 116117.In emergencies, you should not hesitate to choose the emergency number 112.

The loneliness in the quarantine imposed can also be overwhelming for many.“We have found that the need for conversations always increases shortly before a corona wave and later flooded something.In quiet times there are 2500, 2,8th00 calls a day, it increases to up to 3500 calls a day, ”says Ludger Storch of the German Press Agency dpa.He deals with statistics of telephone counseling heads the telephone counseling Bochum.Those affected can reach telephone pastoral care free of charge at: 08th00/1110111

[Read also: "Rinse the dishes again, hang up the laundry": Three affected people tell what they would have liked to know before the infection (t+)]

7.Why is employment so important?

Of course, everyone has their preferences, with which they like to spend their time or what they do to rebuild himself.Many may start writing a diary again, want to learn a new language or despair at an online python course.

Some are said to have even converted their own apartment into a self -made mini golf course.It is particularly important to continue to be active, emphasizes the WHO, and also to maintain contact with his friends and/or family, be it through games, phone calls or video chats.

8th.What happens to the dog?

Owners must not hand it over: but you should either ask friends or neighbors if you could run the dog.Alternatively, there are so-called walking services in many places that can be booked for quarantine times.

The Federal Research Institute for Animal Health emphasizes that the dog generally does not assume any risk of infection (for the walkers)."If a pet is tested positively for SARS-COV-2, this is no reason to put the animal to sleep," writes the institute.

Currently popular with Tagesspiegel Plus:

9.What if my child has to go to quarantine?

Each parent can take 30 children's hospital every year, single parents 60 days, says the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs.In several children, it is 65 working days for one parent each, single parents are entitled to a maximum of 130 working days.

Until 19.March 2022, parents can also claim childage benefit if their child has to be looked after at home - for example because the schools or daycare centers are completely closed or only have a limited extent.Parents who work in the home office can also apply for the days.

The only requirement: the affected parent and the child must be insured by law..In addition, the child must not be older than twelve years old, and no other person can live in the household who could look after.From 20.March 2022, the entitlement to child health benefit is again only in the event of a child's illness and the appropriate need for care.

10.Do I have to work in quarantine?

Just free for seven or ten days - unfortunately that is not that simple."For example, if I also work in the home office, a quarantine does not change it," says Johannes Schipp, specialist lawyer for labor law in Gütersloh of the dpa.Basically, if you show symptoms of a corona disease during the quarantine and are therefore unable to work, you do not have to work.However, symptom -free infected people must continue to work - provided they can also pursue their activities from home.