Ökofen's pellet boiler compact class now also with up to 16 kW thermal output

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  • Ökofen's pellet boiler compact class now also with up to 16 kW thermal output
Ökofen's pellet boiler compact class now also with up to 16 kW thermal output
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner
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(17.4.2018;SHK or.IFH/In­therm-Bericht) Auf der ISH 2017 hat ÖkoFEN den Startschuss zu seiner besonders platzsparenden Pelletkessel-Kom­pakt­klas­se Pellematic Compact gegeben (sieheBericht vom 30.3.2017).In 2018, the new generation with performance sizes up to 16 kW will follow.The cauldron now even gets along with 0.5 m² of floor space, which means that they are particularly recommended for single -family houses.In addition, all boilers offer the known equipment including. smarter Vernetzung über Smartphone, Tablet & PC.

As one of the most compact pellet boilers on the market with optimized dimensions from 72 to 73 cm, a pellematic compact can be set up either corner or wall-bundle.

ÖkoFENs Pelletkessel-Kompaktklasse jetzt auch mit bis zu 16 kW Wärmeleistung

Auch die neue Generation der Pellematic Compact verfügt über die hauseigene ecc-Ver­bren­nungs­re­ge­lung (efficient combustion control), bestehend aus Multisegment-Brennteller, Flammraumfühler und Unterdrucküberwachung.This should be able to achieve efficiency of up to 96.7%.Thanks to a specially developed heat exchanger, the Pellematic Compact also enables operation with low exhaust gas temperatures up to 70 ° C, which ensures additional heating cost savings.For cost-conscious transformers and beginners, the compact boiler type is also available for hand filling with a separate 180 kg supply container.

By networking the pellet heating with the Internet, a flexible regulation is also possible: The Pelletronic Touch Reguler evaluates online weather data and can therefore control the pellet heating depending on the expected sunlight.A geolocation function can be used: If the residents remove themselves from their home, they are reminded of the activation of the energy saving mode.From 2018, voice control using smart home systems such as Alexa is also possible.

Weitere Informationen zu Pellematic Compact können per E-Mail an Öko­FEN angefordert werden.