More time for tax return 2020 |Halloohnen - local, current, online.

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More time for tax return 2020 |Halloohnen - local, current, online.
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Tax period extended by three months

Those who are obliged to submit a tax return for 2020 have three months more time this year.This generally ends the deadline on November 2, 2021. Anyone who turns on a tax advisor or income tax aid association even has time until May 31, 2022.

Mehr Zeit für die Steuererklärung 2020 | halloherne - lokal, aktuell, online.

The delivery period only applies to citizens who are obliged to submit a tax return.This includes, for example, married couples who receive both wages and were taxed for the calendar year or part of the calendar year in the tax class combination III and V.Likewise, employees who have received wage substitute benefits, such as short -time work allowance, have received a tax return of more than 410 euros in the calendar year.

Citizens who only receive wages from which the employer has already been retained (tax class I) are not obliged to submit an income tax return.More information is available online on the tax offices.

The tax offices recommend that the citizens who create their own income tax returns electronically to submit them via the online financial office "Elster".The tax return can be transmitted so quickly, conveniently and safely from home and handed over to the responsible tax office - without any expression that the certificate created during registration replaces the signature.During the form processing, practical help functions and a tax calculation support in the creation of the tax return.

In addition, the citizens can call up electronic data via “My Elster”, which have already been transmitted to the financial administration by the employer or the insurance company, for example.Evidence can also be uploaded via the portal and presented at the tax office.However, this is only necessary if the responsible tax office asks for this.

Quelle: Presse- und Öffentlichkeit Finanzamt Herne