Is the almond tree hardy?You should consider that

Is the almond tree hardy?You should consider that
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Some varieties of the almond tree are hardy.We explain to you which one and what you have to consider during the cold winter months to protect the plant from frost.

Maybe you have already wondered if the almond tree is hardy?In fact, there is no clear answer because the variety matters.There are these hard tonsil varieties: Rosella, Amanda, Lauranne and Robijn.In general, however, the following applies: planted almond trees survive the winter better than those that you leave in the bucket outside.

Wintering almond tree: The most important information

Ideally, you can adopt the following order for hibernation for hardy tonsils:

  1. Ziehe den Mandelbaum im Kübel heran: Es empfiehlt sich, deinen eigenen Mandelbaum zunächst im Kübel heranzuziehen. Lagere ihn während der ersten drei bis vier Winter am besten drinnen, weil die Pflanze zu Beginn sehr empfindlich auf Kälte reagiert. Dazu bietet sich beispielsweise ein Gewächshaus oder ein Wintergarten besonders gut an. Alternativ tut es aber auch eine Garage oder der Keller. Wichtig ist in jedem Fall, dass der Ort frostfrei sein sollte.
  2. Suche einen passenden Standort im Freien: Nach den ersten vier Jahren kannst du einen passenden Standort für deinen Mandelbaum im Freiland bestimmen. Schließlich sollte er nun die kalten Winter ohne Probleme überstehen. Dennoch tust du dem Baum etwas Gutes, indem du ihn vor einer Mauer oder in einem Innenhof pflanzt. Dort steht der Mandelbaum etwas geschützter und es besteht keine Gefahr, dass die Blüten durch den Frost Schaden nehmen.

Note: If you pull an almond tree that is younger than four years, you should distribute some compost and leaves on the roots of the tree.After that, he usually runs the winter without any problems.However, if you want to support it even during a particularly strong and long winter, you can distribute travel or bark mulch on the floor around the tree.

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Hardy almond tree: tips for care

The best time to plant a hardy almond tree is after the frost in spring or late summer.Loose the earth thoroughly.The finishing point - a thickening or a kink in the otherwise evenly straight stem a little above the roots - should always be above the earth.Dryness can cause the young plants to die.It is therefore best to supply them regularly with water.

Mandel trees originally come from the middle and front Asian space.Therefore, sunny to partially shaded places are particularly suitable as locations for the plants.It is also worthwhile to lay some compost on the floor around the tree and in this way give it important nutrients.In spring you can fertilize young almond trees with horn shavings in particular.

The harvest of the almonds begins in early autumn, often in September.You can use them in many ways in the kitchen: For example, you can turn them out of marzipan yourself, make roasted almonds yourself or bake a vegan almond cake.

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