Internet provider comparison 2022 – Compare tariffs now and save

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Internet provider comparison 2022 – Compare tariffs now and save
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner


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In Germany today DSL is the most used technology to be able to surf the Internet quickly. Most Internet providers offer DSL at low cost and it is widely available. Since there is a large selection of providers, a comparison of internet providers before signing the contract helps. This is very important in order to avoid any problems or additional costs, and you can also use this method to find the cheapest DSL provider quickly and easily.

Which internet provider is the best?

In Deutschland sind einige große DSL Internetanbieter deutschlandweit tätig und können daher ihre Angebote praktisch überall schalten. Zu den großen Internet Providern gehören die Deutsche telecom, Vodafone, o2 und 1&1. Es gibt jedoch auch viele kleinere Internetanbieter, die teilweise ihre Angebote nur regional anbieten, wie etwa EWE in Norddeutschland oder M-Net aus München.

It is not possible to give a general answer as to which Internet provider is the best, but rather depends on personal needs. However, since the complete offers of many DSL providers are structured in a similar way, it is worth comparing them on the Internet.

In addition to the DSL connection, the Internet contract also includes an Internet flat rate and a telephone connection for making calls. The tariffs of the fixed network providers often differ between their offered tariffs. The telephone tariff comparison quickly shows you the differences in the fees incurred. The bandwidth of the Internet tariffs can also vary greatly and mostly depend on the technology used or available at the place of residence.

The major Internet providers in the quick selection:

Germany-wide DSL internet provider

Die deutschlandweiten Internetanbieter sind telecom, Vodafone, O2 – Telefonica oder 1&1, die praktisch in ganz Deutschland direkt über den Telefonanschluss Internet Tarife anbieten. Mit kompletten Internet Angeboten bekommt der Kunde alles, was er zum Internetsurfen sowie Festnetztelefonieren benötigt, sogar ein Internet Telefon, das sogenannte IP-Telefon, ist stellenweise bereits im Paketpreis enthalten.

However, not only the individual components of the complete package are important, but also a higher bandwidth. For many customers, the DSL speed is an important reason, in addition to the monthly basic fees, to change their Internet provider.

Neukunden und Wechselwillige können hier in der Regel von hohen Boni-Zahlungen und interessanten Preisvorteilen profitieren. Diese lassen sich in unserem Stern Internet Preisvergleich berücksichtigen, dazu einfach das Häkchen bei Neukunde oder Wechsler setzen.

DSL from the local internet provider

In addition to the large and nationwide Internet providers, there are also a number of smaller providers who have telephone Internet connections ready. Although these are often missing in our Internet provider comparison, they usually keep up with the prices of the big providers. In particularly rural areas where there is no DSL network, some WLAN providers offer Internet access. But even these offers are not considered in our internal provider comparison.

Change DSL provider

Is the current DSL Internet offer still up to date or isn't the current monthly price too expensive? Our Internet tariff comparison from provides information as to whether you are paying too much. The conditions of the current contract can be compared directly with current offers, making it easier to consider a change of provider. Because whoever changes can often benefit from interesting advantages:

Changing providers is usually easy, provided the notice period and minimum contract terms are observed. The new Internet provider takes over the termination of the old contract and also ensures that the phone number is transferred smoothly.

German DSL providers over time

Unangefochten größter Internetanbieter ist die Deutsche telecom mit über zwölf Millionen Kunden. Weit abgeschlagen sind die folgenden Internetanbieter Vodafone, 1&1 und o2. Als ärgster Konkurrent besitzt Vodafone über 6 Millionen Breitband-Kunden, 1&1 kommt auf etwa 4,5 Millionen DSL Kunden.

Internetanbieter Vergleich 2022 – Jetzt Tarife vergleichen und sparen

telecom's strong market position is historical. After the Second World War, the telephone network was assigned to Deutsche Post. Which in turn was transferred to the Deutsche Bundespost in 1950. The postal system, the construction and maintenance of the telecommunications network were among the tasks of the authority.

With the postal reform, the authority was split into three so-called "public companies", the Deutsche Bundespost Postbank, Deutsche Bundespost Postdienst and Deutsche Bundespost telecom. In 1994 these companies were finally privatized and Deutsche telecom AG was founded. Until 1998, Deutsche telecom had the monopoly for telephone services in Germany.

Initially, Deutsche telecom was the only DSL provider on the market and the maximum data rates were only 384 kbit/s and 768 kbit/s respectively. Only later did the bandwidths of the DSL connections gradually increase to up to 3 Mbit/s, 6 Mbit/s or 16 Mbit/s etc.

telecom only gradually got competition, because other Internet providers were able to place their own tariffs on the market, but a telephone connection from telecom was always necessary to use the Internet tariffs. In addition to the telephone connection with telecom, the customer had to order his DSL connection separately from another provider.

Die echte Liberalisierung begann erst mit dem „IP-Bitstrom-Zugang“. Die telecom wurde 2008 gesetzlich dazu verpflichtet, den Mitbewerbern ein „entbündeltes“ DSL bereitzustellen, was bedeutet, dass der telecom Telefonanschluss vom DSL abgekoppelt wurde. Erst jetzt konnten die alternativen Internetanbieter ihre Komplettpakete bestehend aus Telefon- und Internetanschluss eigenständig bereitstellen.

The best DSL Internet offers

We at always keep an eye on the dynamic market and give the best recommendations for package deals. Important: All our editorial tips are characterized by a very good price/performance ratio.

With our Internet provider test, you can find the best offers step by step, but you should also take a closer look at the offer. Here you have to consider what performance, such as bandwidth or components, is required.

The first question everyone should ask themselves is: What type of connection can be used for telephone and internet? Most households have a telephone line, but in many households the cable connection is an interesting alternative. If there is a cable socket in the apartment, the cable connection is another option in addition to the DSL telephone line.

Which Internet providers operate a local cable network can also be determined in the Internet tariff comparison by entering the postal code.

  1. Internetgeschwindigkeit? In der Regel bieten die DSL Provider meist den DSL 16000 Tarif als Internet für zuhause an. Schneller ist der VDSL 50 oder neuerdings auch VDSL 100 Tarif. Gerade die schnelleren VDSL Anschlüsse sind mit ihren höheren Datenraten für Intensivnutzer, Mehrpersonenhaushalte oder Wohngemeinschaften interessant. Jedoch hängt die Geschwindigkeit, welche tatsächlich gebucht werden kann, von der Infrastruktur vor Ort ab. Besonders hohe Geschwindigkeiten stehen meist nur in den großen Städten zur Verfügung oder es muss auf einen Kabelanbieter zurückgegriffen werden. Hier finden Sie aktuelle DSL und VDSL Geschwindigkeiten im Vergleich.
  2. Telefontarife Vergleich mit oder ohne Telefon Flat? Die nächste Frage ist, ob tatsächlich eine Telefon-Festnetz-Flat benötigt wird? In den meisten Internet-Angeboten wird heute automatisch ein Telefonanschluss mit eingeschlossen. Dieser muss aber nicht zwingend aktiv genutzt werden. Wer bereits eine Handy-Flat nutzt, muss nicht noch zusätzlich eine Telefon Flat dazu buchen und spart dadurch zusätzlich Geld beim Internetvertrag ein.
  3. Welche Hardware ist dabei? Die Hardware zum Internet-Angebot ist wichtig, wird aber häufig nicht im Vergleich der Internetanbieter ausreichend berücksichtigt. Ist die angebotene Hardware kostenlos dabei oder verursacht sie zusätzlich einmalige oder sogar monatliche Kosten? Ein entscheidender Kostenfaktor.
  4. Feste Laufzeit oder besser flexible Vertragsvariante? Die meisten Internetverträge haben eine Vertragslaufzeit von 24 Monaten. Das bedeutet, dass der Vertrag also frühestens nach 2 Jahren gewechselt werden kann. Wird der Vertrag nicht rechtzeitig gekündigt (meist 3 Monate vor Ablauf), verlängert sich die Vertragslaufzeit automatisch um ein weiteres Jahr. Neuerdings bieten einige Internetanbieter wie 1&1 oder O2 auch flexible Vertragsmodelle an. Hier kann der Kunde bereits nach 1-3 Monaten wieder aussteigen. Diese Vertragsmodelle haben aus diesem Grund einige Vorteile, da hier der Kunde schnell auf Preisänderungen reagieren kann. Jedoch sind diese Internettarife mit kurzer Laufzeit im Preisvergleich der Internet Verträge meist deutlich teurer.
  5. Gibt es Extraleistungen? Heute lassen sich eine Reihe von Extraleistungen zusammen mit dem Internet Vertrag buchen. Neben dem Internet ist zuhause bekanntlich das Fernsehen des deutschen liebstes Kind. Daher lassen sich neben dem Internet auf Wunsch auch TV Programme als Komplettpaket buchen, wie etwa das telecom-Entertain oder das Vodafone TV.

DSL internet provider in detail

Source: Statistics

Internet providers in Germany – a market overview


With more than 12 million Internet customers, telecom is clearly the number 1 in Germany. In addition to the Internet, it offers various complete packages, such as “Magenta at Home” or the television service “Entertain”, which includes a telephone connection and TV connection in addition to the Internet . There is also the offer for home Internet and mobile communications, which is called "Magenta One".


The second largest Internet provider in Germany is Vodafone and also offers its services almost everywhere in Germany. Since the complete packages have Internet and telephone connections, there is no need for a telecom connection at all.

In addition to the DSL offers, Vodafone also offers packages with TV programs that are called Vodafone TV. The offer includes more than 80 channels, including over 28 HD channels. The package offer also includes a special receiver with a hard disk function for recording TV programs. But Vodafone isn't just a simple Internet provider; it took over the cable network operator Kabel Deutschland in 2013. Vodafone has thus significantly expanded its infrastructure and has become more efficient overall.


o2 is also a fixture among DSL Internet providers and, measured by market share, is one of the really big ones. What is special about the O2 Internet provider are the DSL complete packages, which are available either with a 24-month contract period or without a minimum contract period. The bandwidth is 8 Mbit/s, 16 Mbit/s or 50 Mbit/s or 100 Mbit/s, depending on the infrastructure and package offer. O2 is one of the few Internet providers that throttles to around 2 Mbit/s from a certain data volume per month. Depending on the Internet contract, the throttling can be 200GB - 500GB per month.


1&1 hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren zu dem drittgrößten Internetanbieter hinter telecom und Vodafone entwickelt. Dies wurde durch auffällige Werbekampagnen und einer aggressiven Preispolitik erreicht. Wie die anderen großen Internet-Anbieter hat 1&1 ebenfalls viele unterschiedliche Paketangebote im Programm. Je nach Verfügbarkeit ist DSL 16000, VDSL 50 (DSL 50000) und VDSL 100 buchbar. 1&1 ist aber auch bekannt für seine gehobene Hardware-Ausstattung wie etwa dem „1&1 Homeserver Speed“ der im Mietpreis enthalten ist. Des Weiteren gibt es zahlreiche Extras wie den kostenlosen Online-Speicher.


EWE is a regional DSL Internet provider and supplies households in Lower Saxony, Bremen and parts of North Rhine-Westphalia and Brandenburg with DSL Internet, telephone and mobile communications. In some places, EWE has a state-of-the-art, high-speed fiber optic network. The standard at EWE is DSL 16000 and up to 50 Mbit/s or 100 Mbit/s are possible with a fiber optic network.


Osnatel offers its range of DSL Internet, telephone and mobile communications regionally in the greater Osnabrück area. The tariffs and services are the same as those of EWE. The standard is the DSL 16000 connection, in some areas VDSL 50 and VDSL 100 is also possible. The tariffs are called “Comfort” and “Premium”. Whereby the "Premium" tariffs include an additional telephone line, which, by the way, performs well in a telephone provider comparison, as well as a flat rate in cell phone networks.


The Internet provider SWB sells its complete packages in the Bremen, Bremerhaven, Stuhr, Weyhe and Thedinghausen area. The regional provider offers DSL Internet access with a bandwidth of up to 16 Mbit/s and in some areas even VDSL Internet access with a bandwidth of up to 50 Mbit/s.


The regional provider M-Net offers its services in the large Bavarian cities such as Munich, Nuremberg, etc. M-Net has its own very good DSL and fiber optic network.


The regional Internet provider NetCologne offers its up to 400 Mbit/s fiber optic connections in Cologne, Bonn and the surrounding area. But NetCologne also uses other technologies such as DSL.


In the regions around Aachen and Düren there is the provider NetAachen. In addition to DSL, fiber optic connections with speeds of up to 200 Mbit/s are also on offer.

Source: Statistics

Our conclusion

The list of Internet providers in Germany is large and it is therefore always worth comparing current Internet providers. It does not always have to be an Internet contract with the big, well-known providers. There are also a number of regional providers who offer very good complete Internet packages with Internet, telephone and TV programs. When it comes to bandwidth, the cable Internet providers are of course the best, with a speed of up to 400 Mbit/s currently the ultimate. VDSL lines are a long way from being here, but they offer the best options across the board. You can find out quickly and easily which tariff is right for you with our tariff calculator.