Hidden costs for house construction: You should pay attention to this

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  • Hidden costs for house construction: You should pay attention to this
Hidden costs for house construction: You should pay attention to this
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner
Baurisiken: Im Boden schlummern vielerlei Unbilden für Bauherren und Hauskäufer. Schadstoffe oder historische Funde können teuer werden. BÖRSE ONLINE erklärt, welche Rechte und Pflichten Sie haben. Von Gisela Haberer

Germany's underground is rich: on abandoned mines, blind passers from two world wars, ground monuments that have left the Romans, for example, and at contaminated sites in the form of pollutants of the more or less toxic species.All of this usually only comes to light when the earth is dug up, for example for the construction of a new house or an extension.

Bad for builders who - keyword botching on the building - often have to struggle well with above -ground adversity.They bear the basic building risk - and therefore usually all associated costs.The likelihood of encountering unpleasant is surprisingly high.Read below from the most common drives and how you can prepare yourself against them.

Miners - Risk of collapse for loans

For centuries, people have been digging for everything they can: ore, coal, salts, slate, treasures - legal and illegal.Nationwide, mining agencies have two to three times a week collapse of earlier tunnels.These tear holes in forest and residential areas.Once the damage has occurred, the Association of Mining House and Landowners helps.He supports to clarify and request claims and gives practical tips on damage regulation.

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But be careful: on land around younger mines, a waiver of mountain damage is often entered in the land register.That means: Even if cracks form in walls and walls as a result of the mining, lower walls or collapsed the whole house - the owners refrain from making mining companies liable for this.The result: When a loan is taken, houses on such land are difficult to lend.In an emergency, banks do not want to finance a mountain of rubble.This can bring house financing to the collapse.

Monuments endanger construction projects

Building applications can be checked by the responsible monument protection authorities.They fall back on data on suspicion areas that are reported and publicly accessible due to Europe -wide requirements.If monuments or ground monuments are to be assumed in the construction area, a preliminary examination is initiated.If finds come to light, it is decided: Is the site to be under consideration?Does the monument have to be excavated or is it to be preserved for other purposes?A construction project may have to be changed accordingly or even completely set.

For the costs, prompters, such as building applicants or in general.If monuments come unexpectedly during the construction, the finder or the client must report this to the responsible authorities.Nationwide, hundreds of conditions of monument protection under monument protection law.

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Liability only in the event of silence with intentions

Arsen, benzene, heavy metals - such contaminated sites can slumber everywhere, where work has been industrially or disposed of - regardless of whether legal or illegal.Know the seller or broker of the soil contaminants, you have to inform buyers and accept price offices.If you do not do this, you can be held liable.To do this, however, buyers have to prove intentional concealing the seller.

According to observation of the real estate broker McMakler, the warranty is often excluded in sales contracts.Then buyers cannot withdraw from the contract if a material defect is obvious, for example in the form of contaminated sites.Interested parties can view contaminated sites, typically at municipalities or state environmental offices.But these directories are never complete and cannot be."On the one hand, the legal requirements for reporting for waste have changed over the years, on the other hand, wild landfills have not been officially recorded," explains Matthias Klauser von McMakler.

If no cause is liable, costs and duties remain on the owner of the costs and obligations.Contaminated soil is expensive to dispose of special landfills to filter groundwater for years.The only consolation: disposal, cleaning or replacement of the soil enhance the property.

Explosives and radioactive in the ground

Bombs, unexploded and other ammunition remains are not considered an old load.Cards only exist in some municipalities for ammunition pollution, for example in the heavily contaminated Landau in the Palatinate.Before buying a property, interested parties can at least inquire about the observations of the responsible ordnance clearance service.

Natural dangers also lurk in the ground.This creates the radioactive noble gas radon when uranium is decayed.Depending on the surface and sealing, it penetrates into living rooms.Radon is considered the most common cause of lung cancer after smoking and fine dust.According to a map of the Federal Office for Radiation Safety for the Radon concentration in the ground, almost all regions of Germany are more or less stressed.In the case of private new buildings, builders are obliged to seal their building accordingly.In so-called radon pre-provision areas, such as in the Black Forest, Harz or Erzgebirge, there are particularly strict requirements.

View of cards and the land register

Cards are inevitably incomplete, but can only be recorded what is known.But at least they offer one chance to recognize risks in advance and possibly withdraw from a purchase or construction project.As a rule, the municipal building authority knows which cadastre is available for a region and how they are accessible.Before buying a property, a look at the land register should be a matter of course.All loads are entered there, for example for the waiver of the mountain damage mentioned, but also to existing rights on usufruct, preload or so -called basic service facilities.These can guarantee rights, for example for the use of paths, passages or electricity and water pipes by neighbors.

View into the depth - before buying!

Building applicants have the obligation to describe the nature of the soil on which the desired building should be on the approval authorities.For this purpose, an expert opinion is usually created.This is the responsibility of the building owner.If there are an expert opinion on others, the builders should have them checked by an expert before the signing of a purchase contract, the building owner protection association (BSB) advises.Managing Director Florian Becker explains: "If the report is accepted, usually no replacement for 'weaknesses' in the building ground, later damage or less proceeds can be requested when reselling."It is best to commission reports from the building owner, ideally before buying the property.In popular regions with more demand than land, however, such a preliminary check is hardly enforceable.

Value every cent - floor report

Usually the land is "only" checked for their support and water conditions, i.e. geologically and hydrologically examined.Only with these results can the foundation, statics and sealing of a building be planned to match the surface.Without an expert opinion, either too much or too little is issued.Fixing damage from moisture or lowering is expensive and may only be partially possible afterwards.Then further damage is programmed.A ground report thus preserves from unnecessary costs and avoidable risks.So it shouldn't be saved on it.Depending on the depth of the analysis, the fixed price of 700 to 3000 euros is sufficient.

Suspect to the bottom

Experts are obliged to point out the limits of their specialist knowledge.A hydrologist or geologist cannot make any statements about contaminated sites or archeology.However, if appraisers suspect further risks in the ground, you must inform builders from which areas you should consult experts.Builders have a "built -in control body" over their civil engineering company.Because these are also obliged to estimate risks in the ground.To do this, they usually request the submission of the building basic report, but they also have to check where lines or water veins run for themselves.

Tailors - on an insecure reason!

Most houses are built "turnkey".It is contractually determined which services have to provide builders themselves.A frequent description for this: "Baufeitzeit".This means that land must correspond to the plans.If the underground does not withstand the house, the following damage is the problem of the owner."Before building, the soil conditions must be adapted to the planned house, such as a soil exchange," explains Florian Becker.He recommends the following order: first have a floor report created or checked, then plan the house building, including the necessary soil improvements or special seals, have the building basic report included in the construction contract and only then sign it.

Prefabricated house - without floor or what?

Building plots are in short supply.Lock offers advertise to the house with a suitable property.However, the land can only be obtained after the construction contract has been signed.Caution, the BSB warns.Often it turns out that the property either does not exist at all or cannot be built on as intended.

According to the BSB, this usually only becomes clear after the 14-day cancellation period has expired.If builders want to withdraw from the contract, house construction companies can request a contractual penalty: ten to 15 percent of the construction sum.This makes the dream of home to many very quickly dreamed of.BSB Managing Director Becker recommends: "Only conclude the property purchase contract, have a reservation for your own in the land register and only then sign a construction contract."