Grow pumpkin in the garden: tips for a rich harvest

Grow pumpkin in the garden: tips for a rich harvest
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner
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Those who think of autumn will probably also think of pumpkins.They are simply part of it.We'll tell you how to grow the vegetables properly here.

The orange vegetables, which is one of the berries, is simply a must in the kitchen.No matter whether as a soup, in muffins, baked vegetable side dishes or as a cake, pumpkin dishes really always go.If you grow pumpkins yourself, you can also benefit from a great sorting diversity.

Grow pumpkin correctly: This is how you succeed in a rich harvest in your own garden

The cultivation of pumpkins is quite easy if they are supplied with a lot of nutrients and water.You should start with the preliminary checking between mid -April and mid -May.After the successful cultivation, it is not recommended to suspend the young pumpkin plants directly to the spring weather.Instead, you should harden them by repeatedly exposing the young plants to the milder weather or placing them in an early bed or greenhouse.

If you have the option, then you should cultivate your hardened pumpkins directly at a compost heap.If this is not possible, it is recommended to plant the pumpkins in a sunny but protected place with a lot of rotten stable manure and humus.After you have cast the plants well, the root area should be mulched - straw is particularly suitable for this.

Kürbis anbauen im Garten: Tipps für eine reiche Ernte

Mais, Bohne und Kürbis werden von den Ureinwohnern Nordamerikas die drei Schwestern genannt und sie bauten sie traditionell zusammen an, um so die Fläche optimal zu nutzten, wie kraut&rüben berichtet.Even today, corn, pumpkin and beans are a popular mixed culture in hobby gardens.

Add pumpkin correctly: obstacles and harvest

Then only the pests and diseases are to be warded off.These include:

If you too, you can do this well, you can enter your rich pumpkin harvest before the start of the first frost.If they sound hollow and had to grow around four months, then they are ripe.If you use a sharp knife for harvesting, do not damage the stem.So your harvest can be kept in a cool and dark place for several months.

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Install pumpkin correctly: pumpkin seeds and pumpkin seeds

If you have grown a particularly tasty pumpkin variety this year, then of course you want to get it and grow again next year.But beware!If you have so-called F1 seeds, a completely different pumpkin type will come out next year and this may not be edible at all.In general, it can be said that you should never eat a pumpkin that tastes bitter.This is a very clear sign that this could be poisonous.If you want to reproduce pumpkin seeds yourself, then you should fall back on varieties of seeds.You can see this by the fact that the identification F1 is missing, because this must be marked.

But the seeds obtained from F1 cubes can be roasted well and nibble on the sofa in front of a good film.For roasted pumpkin seeds, there are many recipes on the Internet from hearty to sweet to hell.

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Grow the pumpkin correctly: This is how it works with giant pumpkins

Everyone has already seen huge pumpkins, be it in pictures or pumpkin fields.But the vegetable giants can also be grown in your own hobby garden.Basically, the giants need the same conditions as all other food bits with a few exceptions:

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Do this conscientiously, then you can expect a different kind of huge harvest.*24 is an offer from Ippen.Media.

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