Gardening in January: How to use the winter rest -

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Gardening in January: How to use the winter rest -
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

In January, gardening is limited.Use the rest to make up for work and make preparations.Motivated self -catering: Of course, there is always something to do on the inside.

Gardening in January is manageable.The garden came to rest.Animals and plants are in hibernation and collect forces for the coming year.

In January the days slowly get longer and there are more opportunities to work in the garden again.So in January you don't just need to be limited to the winter garden and houseplants.

Here you read what is going on in gardening in January.

Gardening in January: This still has to be done

January is definitely one of the quietest months in the garden.However, some work still falls.Above all, you can catch up with what you didn't come under the year.So your gardening will create a good foundation for the coming garden season in January.

Gartenarbeit im Januar: So nutzt du die Winterruhe -

You can do that in January in the vegetable garden

Especially for self -catering: Inside, there are also opportunities at the beginning of the year to live out in the garden.The following garden work is to be done in January:

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If you want to store vegetables, you should consider some basic tips.So you ensure the longest possible durability.We…

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Gardening in January: Make preparations for the coming year

January is the month of resolutions.Why not in the garden too?Now is an excellent point in time to dedicate yourself to your wishes and ideas for the following year and to take the first steps to fulfill.

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Keywords: Garden knew how plants