From health to creativity: VHS presents new spring program 2017

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From health to creativity: VHS presents new spring program 2017
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Former VHS course participants are already holding it in their hands, and now Undine Rosenwald-Metz, director of the adult education center in Schaumburg, and Bernadette Unger-Knippschild are presenting the new spring program for 2017, which is also available from Sparkasse Schaumburg, among others. The title page of the approximately 150-page program catalog makes it clear: the topic of health is also very popular at the VHS. And so this semester there are again a lot of offers from the field of health. Some highlights at the Rinteln site:

The "Mamafit" course, an outdoor exercise program for mothers with children and prams, is making its debut at all VHS locations. The aim is to soak up sunlight and build up physical condition. Muscles are tightened and contact is made with other mothers. The lecturer Gabriela Lukas, herself a multiple mother, has worked a lot with women after pregnancy. The start is on Monday, February 13, 10 mornings from 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Costs: 43.50 euros, registration by 3.2.

In the Pilates fascia course, muscles and tendons get going. Stretching exercises and fascia rolls, spheres and balls are intended to increase mobility and increase physical well-being. There are two courses from 10:30 a.m. to 11:45 a.m., the first course (5 mornings) starts on March 6th, the registration deadline is February 26th, costs: 26 euros. Course 2 starts on April 24th. and goes over 7 mornings. Registration is possible until April 14th. possible, cost here: 38.50 euros. The lecturer is Lara Voth.

With brisk steps on the stepper, the participants in the step aerobics & bums, legs and buttocks course get the cardiovascular system going and improve coordination and concentration. The course starts on March 6th, from 9:00 a.m. to 10:15 a.m., duration: 5 mornings, costs: 26 euros, registration deadline: February 26th.

Dorothea Schulte Girr's course, which takes place over four evenings, is about general relaxation methods. The offer is new in Rinteln and is intended to enable participants to deal with stress in a more constructive and relaxed manner. From 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., the lecturer conveys new perspectives and shows how to maintain and regain balance in hectic everyday life. The costs are 25 euros, the course starts on 28.2. and registration deadline is 18.2.

Creative minds get their money's worth in the "Dog, Cat, Mouse" drawing course. On April 8th and 9th, from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., participants will learn from Martina Grandhomme how to build a drawing from simple basic shapes. It continues with animal caricatures, comic animals and humanized animal figures with a funny touch. Previous knowledge is not required, bring drawing materials with you. The costs are 45.50 euros, the registration deadline is 31.3.

On April 1, from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Barbara Jeisecke will demonstrate sewing with the four-thread chainstitch machine, also known as the "overlock sewing machine". From threading, tensioning and sewing, participants are given all sorts of tips and tricks for handling. Bring your sewing machine with you. The cost is 22 euros.

The application training under the direction of Heike Hahlbrock and Kirstin von Blomberg is about the right choice of company and tips for a successful application letter. Participants get to know modern application techniques and learn how strengths and skills can be better communicated. The course takes place on three mornings (29.3.-31.3.), registrations must be made by 22.3. take place. The cost is 20 euros. Under certain conditions, the Coordination Office for Women and Business covers up to 50% of the course fee.

If you want to learn more about the camera and taking photos with your Android smartphone or tablet, you can get a copy on February 11th. (9:00 a.m. – 4:15 p.m.) and 12.2. (9:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.) Opportunity to do so. In the classic course, Renate Meißner will show how to use the camera settings and give tips on image processing with apps. It is also about organizing the photos, transferring them to the PC and sending/sharing them. Registration is possible until February 4th. take place, the costs are 59.60 euros.

Von Gesundheit bis Kreativität: VHS stellt neues Frühjahrsprogramm 2017 vor

Seniors who are afraid of using their own notebook are in good hands with Jürgen Enders' course. Under the motto "Get to know your own notebook", the participants learn how to get a better handle on their own device. Which software is important? Where is data stored? How to create folders and delete files? What is a virus scanner? What is the firewall for? In the period from 16.5.-18.5. This knowledge is imparted between 9:00 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. The fee is EUR 74.60 (reduced EUR 44.80). Registration closes on May 9th.

Lecturer and communication trainer Axel Bürger shows in the interactive evening on 13.3. from 7:00 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. the meaning of body language on other people. Here it is shown how to use and interpret body language more effectively. The course costs 10 euros, registration by 3.3. is required. In the interactive workshop "NLP to get to know" Axel Bürger uses the NLP course to teach skills to build a better relationship with colleagues, partners or customers. The course promises an improvement in perception and strategic action and will take place on May 4th. from 7:00 p.m. to 9:15 p.m. Costs: 10 euros, registration until April 24th. necessary.

Language courses are a big hit at adult education centres. The offer ranges from Russian, Spanish, German to English to French. Before taking part, a placement consultation is strongly recommended, advises department head Bernadette Unger-Knippschild. The consultation will take place on February 8th from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the rooms of the adult education center in Rinteln. Determining the level of language proficiency can prevent participants from choosing the wrong course and then feeling under- or overwhelmed.

As part of the 3rd funding period of the state of Lower Saxony, the adult education center in Schaumburg can once again offer language courses for refugees in the district. For the first time, a language course for women only is being held in Rinteln. In cooperation with "Frau und Wirtschaft" women are to be offered further perspectives. Due to the high demand, another refugee language course will be offered in the afternoon. With the help of funding from the Federal Agency for Migration and Refugees (BaMF), for the first time since 2007, an additional integration course at the adult education center in Rinteln can promote the language skills of asylum seekers. Further information can be obtained from the head of the program, Dr. Martina Starke on the phone number 05751/8902130.

On February 1st start the preparatory courses for the subsequent acquisition of secondary school qualifications in the second educational path. The target group are young people aged 16 and over who have completed their compulsory schooling. Further information from Bernadette Unger-Knippschild at 05751/890214.

This year, the summer university will take place simultaneously on June 19th and 20th at the Rinteln and Stadthagen locations. More information will be given at a press conference on February 14th.

More information directly from

VHS SchaumburgKlosterstr. 2631737 Rinteln Tel. 05751 89020

or online at

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