Electric toothbrush for children: when and which model?

Electric toothbrush for children: when and which model?
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Electric toothbrushes have many advantages and are popular in adults.No wonder that children are often very interested in the technical tooth cleaning helpers.But: when did the right time come to buy an electric toothbrush for children?

In principle, the Federal Dentistry Chamber recommends that children should first learn to brushing their teeth with a conventional manual toothbrush.The correct order when cleaning is just as much a part of it, as can reach more difficult areas in the mouth.Regular toothbrushes for children are therefore a better choice in toddler and kindergarten age.

Elek­tri­sche Zahn­bürs­te für Kin­der: Ab wann und wel­ches Modell?

Manufacturers offer electric children's toothbrushes from the age of three.However, many dentists only recommend the use at the earliest from the age of four, i.e. from the fifth birthday.By reaching the preschool age, you can slowly think about an electric toothbrush for your offspring.

Correct cleaning technology is not the only reason for this age recommendation.Rather, the milk teeth are only fully developed from the age of four.In addition, the hand parts of most electrical toothbrushes for children under five are still too heavy to be able to keep them safe.Together with the not yet developed motor skills, this ensures that the teeth cannot be cleaned thoroughly in many places.