Dental implants also hold well in the elderly |Health City Berlin

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  • Dental implants also hold well in the elderly |Health City Berlin
Dental implants also hold well in the elderly |Health City Berlin
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner
ZahnimplantateDonnerstag,6. August 2015– Autor: Barbara Bückmann Zahnimplantate sind mittlerweile eine langlebige – wenn auch recht teure und aufwendige Alternative zu herkömmlichem, die Lücke nur überbrückenden Zahnersatz. Die künstlichen Zahnwurzeln, die in den Kiefer eingeschraubt werden, können auch bei älteren Patienten mit gutem Erfolg eingesetzt werden. Das ist das Ergebnis einer Studie der Universitätsmedizin Göttingen.

Dental implants can also be used well in older patients - Photo: Vladislav Kochelaevs - Fotolia

The researchers compared 150 implants with 150 implants in patients over 70-year-old patients, which were incorporated into patients under 35 year olds and observed the durability over an average of 4.1 years.In the over 70-year-olds, implants were mostly necessary due to the poor gum condition around the remaining own teeth.They suffered almost all of companions such as high blood pressure, diabetes or heart failure.In the young patients, the most common reason for the implant supply was a lost single tooth.

Zahnimplantate halten auch bei Älteren gut | Gesundheitsstadt Berlin

Dental implants in over 70 year olds held 87 percent

In the more than 70-year-olds, 14 implants were lost.The average probability of default was 87 percent.11 implants were lost in the younger study participants.The average probability of default was 91 percent.So older people had no significantly higher risk of losing the implant.No negative influence was to be demonstrated for the companion diseases.Further studies that are at 65.Annual congress of the German Society for Mundsam, Maxillary and Face Surgery (DGMKG) was presented in Stuttgart in June 2015, and other risk groups also certified a good forecast for the use of dental implants.These include people with very little jawbone offerings, patients in whom bones and soft tissue have been reconstructed, patients with malformations, patients who receive medication to suppress the immune system or radiation therapy, patients who suffer from parodontitis or heart medication or blood thinner.Photo: Vladislav Kochelaevs

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