Corona: Surprising effect when vaccination ++ without booster threatens loss of important performance

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Corona: Surprising effect when vaccination ++ without booster threatens loss of important performance
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Berlin.In the heated debate about the right Corona course, Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier appealed not to leave the field to radical forces.The big, often silent majority in our country has been in solidarity and responsible for months, said Steinmeier in Berlin."Only I'm afraid that this majority must not stay still if extremists put the ax to democratic basic trust.“Recently there had always been protests in many German cities against the rules.

On Thursday, the number of Corona new infections was again over 100.000: The health authorities reported the RKI 133 within 24 hours.536 new cases.Already on Wednesday there were more than 110.000 new infections.The nationwide seven-day incidence is now 638thth.8thth.For comparison: a month ago, the incidence was 28thth0.3.

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More on this: Corona in Germany - overview of the current figures of the RKI

Corona news from Thursday, 20.January 2022: Austria introduces General Corona vaccination

19.11 p.m.: Austria introduces a general obligation to vaccinate to combat corona pandemic.The National Council decided on Thursday with a majority on Thursday.The Federal Council, i.e. the Landkammer, still has to agree to the law.

Report: Police use CORONA contact recording data for investigations

19.01 a.m.: According to a report, public prosecutors and police have used more than 100 investigations nationwide to have personal data from the Corona contact recording since 2020.This works from a survey by the ZDF news portal " "under all public prosecutors and state data protection officers.The data was used in at least five cases, although according to the report, the Infection Protection Act did not allow this at the time.

For example, the public prosecutor's office Mainz evaluated the data of 21 people from the Luca app to find witnesses to a staircase in a restaurant.In the summer of 2021, according to the public prosecutor's office in Koblenz, the police checked the paper list of an innkeeper to track down a thief.The Stuttgart public prosecutor informed ZDF that the police evaluated the guest list of an event in July 2021 for suspected an attempted homicide.

Working association: Covid-19 Often occupational disease

17.10 a.m.: The professional association for health service and welfare (BGW) has almost 8thth7 since the beginning of the pandemic.000 COVID-19 diseases recognized as an occupational disease.In total, there are a good 132.000 cases have been reported to a professional disease, the BGW said in Hamburg on Thursday.Not all cases have yet been completed, because due to the extremely high number, the processing of the applications is delayed.

According to the information, about a third of the suspected reports have been recognized, in the heavily affected "clinics" industry almost three quarters.Before 2020, the BGW reached around 1 annually.000 reporting suspected reports in the category "Infectious diseases if the insured person in health service, welfare or in a laboratory system worked in a similar extent through another activity of the risk of infection," it said.

Report: Police use CORONA contact recording data for investigations

16.30 a.m.: According to a report, public prosecutors and police have used more than 100 investigations nationwide to have personal data from the Luca app or other forms of Corona contact recording since 2020.This works from a survey by the ZDF news portal " "under all public prosecutors and state data protection officers.The data was used in at least five cases, although according to the report, the Infection Protection Act did not allow this at the time.

For example, the public prosecutor's office Mainz evaluated the data of 21 people from the Luca app to find witnesses to a staircase in a restaurant.In the summer of 2021, according to the public prosecutor's office in Koblenz, the police checked the paper list of an innkeeper to track down a thief.The Stuttgart public prosecutor informed ZDF that the police evaluated the guest list of an event in July 2021 for suspected an attempted homicide.

According to the report, a spokesman for the Federal Data Protection Officer criticized regulations according to which in most federal states the Federal Corona Warn app is not allowed as an alternative to the Luca app: "A solution is available with the check-in of the Corona Warn app, in which an unauthorized data query is not possible due to the decentralized approach."Findings on inadmissible data queries in the bodies supervised by the Federal Data Protection Officer, such as the Federal Criminal Police Office and the Federal Police, are currently not available.

105 countries get cheaper version of the Corona medication Molnupiravir

16.3 p.m.: Generics manufacturers will produce a more affordable version of the Corona medication Molnupiravir for over 100 poorer countries.According to its own statements, the organization Patentpool for Medicines (MPP) supported by the United Nations signed corresponding agreements on Thursday with 27 manufacturers in order to be able to produce the Molnupiravir agent for a total of 105 developing and emerging countries.The US pharmaceutical company MSD had already given MPP a corresponding license in October.

The companies are located in Bangladesh, China, Egypt, Jordan, India, Kenya, South Africa and Vietnam.MPP boss Charles Gore spoke of a "big step to ensure the worldwide access to urgently needed treatment of covid-19".

Corona vaccine from Idt Biologika-No EU approval before 2023

14.37 a.m.: The vaccine manufacturer Idt Biologika from Dessau-Roßlau hopes for an EU approval of its own Corona vaccine from 2023.Idt has been working on the new vaccine together with a scientific consortium since 2020, said Simone Kardinahl, head of development at Idt, on Thursday.The vector vaccine is currently still in the examination in a so-called phase I study.Data from a Phase III study is necessary for an approval procedure.

She is not expecting an EU approval this year, said Kardinahl.The construct has so far been evident as safe and effective."We are on a good way."Kardinahl admitted that the database was so far quite small.There are currently only a few subjects.At the end of March, the consortium expects the "complete data set".Read: Corona vaccines in comparison-which is the best?

Significantly more applicants for nursing studies in England because of Corona

13.52 a.m.: Because of the Corona pandemic, the interest in studying care in England is more big than ever.With 28thth.There were 8thth15 applicants in 2021 a record of applications, as the central award for study places UCAS and the educational authority Health Education England announced on Thursday.A good two thirds (69 percent) would have justified their interest with pandemic, Corona was even the most important factor for every tenth.School leaves alone came 38thth percent more applications than in 2019.In the UK, nursing is a university degree.There is no training in form like in Germany.

Already in August 2020 it became known that significantly more students were accepted than in 2019.Despite the high demand, industry associations continue to warn of a shortage of skilled workers.

Employees without a booster can lose compensation claims

13.05 a.m.: Employees and the self-employed can lose their entitlement to replacement of loss of earnings if they do not have full vaccination protection through a corona deportation and have to be in quarantine.This emerges from an expertise of the scientific services of the Bundestag, which the Bundestag published on the Internet and about which the "Bild" newspaper first reported.

The Infection Protection Act actually grants persons who are infected or are suspected of infection and who are therefore prohibited from exercising their previous employment, a claim for compensation in money.The Bundestag services point out that the compensation is eliminated according to the law if, for example, such a ban could have been avoided by claiming vaccination.The lack of refreshing or booster vaccination can also lead to the exclusion of compensation for the loss of earnings if it is a publicly recommended vaccination.

The permanent vaccination commission recommends a COVID-19 refreshment, as the parliamentary experts explain.However, according to their "short information" it still depends on the countries: only if the highest state health authorities issue a public recommendation for refreshment on the basis of the recommendation of the vaccination commission, it is a publicly recommended vaccination within the meaning of the Infection Protection Act.The two -sided expertise does not contain an overview of the recommendations of the state health authorities or the number of possible data subjects.

Corona: Überraschender Effekt bei Impfung ++ Ohne Booster droht Verlust wichtiger Leistung

In the Corona year 2020 CO2 reduction by 41 percent

12.43 a.m.: Germany also exceeded the self-inserted climate target when reducing climate-damaging greenhouse gases in the first Corona year 2020, according to the final balance sheet.As the Federal Ministry of Economics and the Federal Environment Agency announced in Berlin on Thursday, CO2 emissions fell by 41.3 percent compared to 1990.An important reason was the restrictions on corona pandemic.During the Lockdowns 2020, the information based on the electricity consumption had decreased because of the closed swimming belts, restaurants and theater as well as road and air traffic.Before pandemic, the government had not assumed that the 40 percent goal for 2020 could be achieved.The final results of the calculations have now been sent to the European Commission, it said.

According to a study by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the traffic volume in the Lockdown winter 2020/2021 has decreased."The traffic performance, i.e. the distances covered by people overall, were 54 percent lower than in the previous year," said the KIT on Thursday.The researchers see this development positively for climate protection."In pandemic it became clear that we are able to not only restrict ourselves through restrictive measures in everyday mobility, but also to design it differently," it said.

Nocebo effect is probably responsible for many vaccination reactions

11.30 a.m.: A large part of the perceived vaccination reactions in the Corona vaccinations could go back to the so-called nocebo effect, according to a study.Around three quarters (76 percent) of patient reports on the whole body relating to the whole body after the first vaccination dose and about half (52 percent) of the reports perceived after the second vaccination dose can be attributed to the evaluation, scientists are written by Julia Haas, Sarah Ballou and Friederike Bender, among others, from the Harvard Medical School and the Philipps University in Marburg in the specialist magazine "Jama Network Open".With the nocebo effect, the expectation of negative consequences only ensures that they can actually be felt.The effect is known, for example, of the side effects listed on the package notes of tablets: the expectation of damage alone can actually trigger pain or symptoms.

For their research, the researchers analyzed twelve clinical studies on vaccinations with various corona vaccines with a total of around 45.38thth0 participants who reported vaccination reactions - including 22.8thth02 who had been injected and 22 578thth who had received a sham preparation, a remedy without a drug.After the first dose, around 35 percent of the sham preparation recipients reported vaccination reactions such as headaches or fatigue.After the second dose it was around 32 percent.For vaccine recipients, it was around 46 percent after the first dose and around 61 percent after the second dose.Read more: Third Corona vaccination-these are the side effects

According to the scientists, the reason for the nocebo reactions could be the information about possible consequences before vaccination."There is indications that this type of information can cause people to incorrectly trigger the usual daily background sensations to vaccination, or trigger concerns and nervousness that people make hyper -sensitive with regard to possible side effects," said Ted Kaptchuk from theHarvard Medical School.The researchers recommend that this must be better informed when vaccinating.

"Test&Go": Thailand lockert ab Februar wieder die Einreiseregeln

10.50 a.m.: Vacationers who have the full basic protection with the most necessary second syringe can return to Thailan234293173D from February. Das vor einem Monat aus Angst vor einer Ausbreitung der Omikron-Variante des Coronavirus ausgesetzte "Test&Go"-Modell werde zu Monatsanfang wieder eingeführt, teilte das Covid-Krisenzentrum CCSA am Donnerstag nach einer Sitzung in Bangkok mit.However, the rules are slightly tightened.

Instead of just having to do one PCR test after arriving in Thailand, another PCR test will soon be required on the fifth day after the arrival.In addition, tourists have to have their whereabouts tracked by an app, said CCSA spokesman Taweesilp Wisanuyothin.

The reason for the resumption of the model is that the number of daily new infections in the country had leveled off in 7000 to 8thth000 cases per day despite the spread of the contagious omicron variant of the Coronavirus, it was said.In addition, the number of serious illnesses and deaths in the country are still low.

Chaostage for Johnson-Vehmucked: Janssen manufacturer sees violation of EU law

10.10 Uhr: Johnson & Johnson-Geimpfte müssen sich infolge der neuen Empfehlung nachimpfen lassen, um die Freiheiten der 2G-plus-Regelung zu genießen: Menschen mit einer einzigen Dosis des Einmalvakzins gelten als ungeimpft.The manufacturer himself comments on BNN as follows: "We regret that for many people in Germany who have been vaccinated with the Covid 19 vaccine from Janssen."

"We are surprised by the view of the Paul Ehrlich Institute and the corresponding announcements that a one-time vaccination with the Covid 19 vaccine by Janssen is apparently no longer recognized as a complete vaccination protection.The decision of the Paul-Ehrlich Institute comes unexpectedly for us, since in our opinion such a procedure contradicts the admission provisions of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), which are valid across the EU: We are in dialogue with the responsible authorities,To understand the motives."

Study: Many vaccination reactions are probably justified in Nocebo effect

9.56 a.m.: A large part of the perceived vaccination reactions in the Corona vaccinations could go back to the so-called nocebo effect.Around three quarters (76 percent) of patient reports on the whole body relating to the whole body after the first vaccination dose and about half (52 percent) of the reports perceived after the second vaccination dose can be attributed to the evaluation, scientists are written by Julia Haas, Sarah Ballou and Friederike Bender, among others, from the Harvard Medical School and the Philipps University in Marburg in the specialist magazine "Jama Network Open".

Placebo and nocebo effect are known in medicine.Positive expectations can increase the effectiveness of a preparation and even lead to an effect in the case of a bogus medication - this is called the placebo effect.Conversely, the expectation of negative consequences only ensures that they can actually be felt.The effect is known, for example, of the side effects listed on the package notes of tablets: the expectation of damage alone can actually trigger pain or symptoms.

Agreement on incentive and reward package for corona vaccinations in Austria

9.53 a.m.: Immediately before the coordination of Austria's parliament on the introduction of a general corona vaccination obligation from February, the government has agreed an incentive and reward package to increase the vaccination rate.The government alliance of conservative ÖVP and the Greens then agreed with the opposition SPÖ, as the Austrian Federal Chancellor Karl Nehammer (ÖVP), Vice Chancellor Werner Kogler (Greens) and SPÖ party leader Pamela Rendi-Wagner announced on Thursday morning.

"I am really glad that we managed to be able to decide on the topic of reward and incentive in the broad consensus in parliament today," said Nehammer at a press conference in Vienna.It is therefore planned, among other things, a vaccine in which the value of 500 euros is raffled under vaccinated consumption vouchers.In addition, municipalities should receive financial aid whose amount is based on the vaccination rate in the respective municipality.

Infectiologist: quickly extend vaccination to further professional groups

9.43 a.m.: The Munich infectiologist Clemens Wendtner wants a quick corona vaccination for various professional groups to close the vaccination quickly."An extended professional group-related and temporary obligation to vaccinate can help that we are not allowed to lose time now," the chief physician of the infectious infectious at the Munich Clinic Schwabing of the German Press Agency.It must apply especially to employees of important infrastructures such as the police and fire brigade, but also to teachers.

"My personal wish is that we extend the furnishing -related vaccination obligation as quickly as possible to critical infrastructures such as the police, fire brigade and schools.A facility -related vaccination obligation can be implemented faster.With a general obligation to vaccinate, I am not sure whether we can get this quickly with all the necessary discussions, "said Wendtner.The teachers are concerned with keeping the schools as open as possible."It is important that we don't always send the children to the distance lessons."

SPD parliamentary group advises on the work program: Introduce vaccination obligation quickly

9.28thth a.m.: The SPD parliamentary group wants to make itself strong at its closed conference on Thursday for a rapid decision in the Bundestag about the obligation to vaccinate.The overcoming of the Corona pandemic has "absolute priority", according to the draft faction management for a work program that should be decided at the conference."We will advance the parliamentary consultations on the obligation to vaccinate."However, a schedule is not mentioned in the paper.

It is planned, however, that after an "orientation debate" will be presented from the ranks of the parliamentary group for a draft law in the coming week.On this basis, parliamentarians will then advise other groups about a joint group application, which should be voted on by the end of March.Federal Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach (SPD) spoke out for an entry into force in April or May.

Study on breast milk: Mothers with Covid-19 can be hung without hesitation

8thth.43 a.m.: With increasing Omikron infection figures, the concern of many breastfeeding mothers is also growing: Could you pass on the coronavirus with breast milk to your baby in the event of infection?A US study seems to be all-clear here again: There are no evidence that recently infected mothers transferred to the child due to the quiet contagious virus, the doctors report in the journal "Pediatric Research".The study is very small, but confirms recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the German National Standard Commission.Infected mothers should consider some precautionary measures when breastfeeding.

Intensive care nurse for a long time: only make it together from pandemic

8thth.29 a.m.: Intensive care nurse Ricardo Lange is experiencing an increasing social division in Corona pandemic.If disinfectants and protective material were stolen and sent opponents of the Corona measures to him, there would be abysses, said Lange, who has become a face of the precarious working conditions for many in pandemic, the German press agency."But we will only make it together from this pandemic."Unsiminated and vaccinated are worth the same in the intensive care units, so long."My job as a nurse is not to judge.We must not start dividing people into categories or morally evaluating."

Austria: Voting on the obligation to vaccinate is pending

7.57 a.m.: This Thursday is an important coordination in Austria.The parliament will decide on a vaccination obligation.Corona deniers who reject a vaccination must then pay accordingly.After the draft law has gone through parliament, the vaccination obligation should apply to all adults with a first place of residence in the country in early February.Austria would be the EU's first country with an obligation to vaccinate.

Pharmacist association calls for the end of the PCR test obligation

7.47 a.m.: The Pharmacist Association North Rhine has requested an end to the PCR test obligation."We now have to go other ways in the test strategy to avoid overloading the laboratories," said Association leader Thomas Prize of the Düsseldorf "Rheinische Post" (Thursday).Positive test results of those citizens' test positions that are guided by pharmacists or doctors should also be used to display an infection from the employer and to be considered to be recovered after surviving infection."Most positive bourgeois tests are currently only confirmed once by means of an elaborate PCR test," said Prize.

Biden spreads confidence in the fight against corona pandemic

7.35 a.m.: US President Joe Biden has shown himself confidently in the struggle for containing corona pandemic.It is not that far yet, but the USA moved to the time, from which Corona no longer disturb the everyday life of people and will no longer be a reason for a crisis, Biden said in the White House on Wednesday.The situation has improved dramatically since taking office a year ago, Biden emphasized.In the meantime there are sufficient vaccinations and medication to curb pandemic."We made enormous progress," said Biden.

The number of new infections with the Coronavirus in the USA, a country with around 330 million inhabitants, was recently 700 due to the particularly contagious omicron variant.000 a day increased.According to the CDC health authority, around 1750 people currently die every day in connection with a COVID-19 disease.At the peak of the pandemic last year, more than 3,000 people died per day at times.

Infectiologist: quickly extend vaccination to further professional groups

7.03 a.m.: The Munich infectiologist Clemens Wendtner wants a quick corona vaccination for various professional groups to close the vaccination quickly."An extended professional group-related and temporary obligation to vaccinate can help that we are not allowed to lose time now," the chief physician of the infectious infectious at the Munich Clinic Schwabing of the German Press Agency.It must apply especially to employees of important infrastructures such as the police and fire brigade, but also to teachers.

"My personal wish is that we extend the furnishing -related vaccination obligation as quickly as possible to critical infrastructures such as the police, fire brigade and schools.A facility -related vaccination obligation can be implemented faster.With a general obligation to vaccinate, I am not sure whether we can get this quickly with all the necessary discussions, "said Wendtner.

The teachers are concerned with keeping the schools as open as possible."It is important that we don't always send the children to the distance lessons."In addition, teachers in the impending omicron wave should be protected from severe courses.In this way, presence lessons can be secured and, if necessary, thanks to the vaccination of symptomless courses, at least digitally can be taught in quarantine.

Ministry of Health wants to present a plan to prioritize PCR tests

6.48thth Uhr: Angesichts der explodierenden Corona-Infektionszahlen will Bundesgesundheitsminister Karl Lauterbach (SPD) am Wochenende eine Beschlussvorlage zur Priorisierung der knapp werdenden PCR-Tests vorlegen.On Wednesday evening on Wednesday evening, Lauterbach said that the more reliable PCR tests should primarily be used in people who must be sure that they are not ill with Covid-19.A corresponding regulation could therefore be decided on Monday at the next federal-state conference.

Lauterbach expects hundreds of thousands of new infections per day

6.33 a.m.: Minister of Health Karl Lauterbach expects several hundred thousand Corona new infections a day until mid-February.It can be assumed with a view to realistic scenarios "that the wave will be around in mid-February and that we would then have to expect several hundred thousand cases a day," said the SPD politician on Wednesday evening on the ZDF program "Markus Lanz".It is not said that there are scenarios, but "they are most likely to have".

Brazil reports over 200 for the first time.000 new Corona cases in one day

5.40 p.m.: Brazil has more than 200 for the first time.000 daily Corona new infections registered.The Ministry of Health in Brasília reported on Wednesday evening (local time) 204.8thth54 neue Fälle in den vergangenen 24 Stunden. Zudem gab es in diesem 24 Stunden-Zeitraum 338thth neue Todesfälle.The largest country in Latin America already had 137 the day before.103 new infections recorded a maximum value.

Overall, in Brazil, where the first citizen was vaccinated in January 2021, more than 23 million people were infected with the coronavirus, according to official information.Almost 622.000 patients have died in connection with Covid-19-one of the highest deaths worldwide.Brazil has 210 million inhabitants and is 24 times the size of Germany.With the progress of the vaccination campaign, the number of newly added dead.

Corona news from Wednesday, 19.January 2022: EU Commission calls for more intensive research on corona consequences for children

22.00 a.m.: In the debate about the consequences of Corona pandemic for children and adolescents, the EU Commission calls for more intensive research efforts and at the same time more recognition for the achievements of young people.EU youth commissioner Mariya Gabriel told our editor.

However, it was not certain whether the long -term consequences would be properly assessed by everyone.Gabriel demanded that the knowledge of the problems of young people in the Covid crisis must now be deepened, it needs an evidence-based approach, who is also responsible for education and research.“That is why the work of scientists and researchers on this topic is so important."This work must be continued, in -depth knowledge is needed, said the commissioner, who is also responsible for education, research and innovation.

Vaccination compulsory debate: General doctors continue to see general practitioners as a duty

21.55 a.m.: The German official doctors continue to."I would always say that the relationship of trust with the family doctor is the best prerequisite for vaccination," said Elke Bruns-Philipps, deputy chairman of the Federal Association of Doctors in the Public Health Service (BVÖGD), our editorial team."Just the general practitioners who know their patients for a long time see vaccination advice as their original and important task."

The public health service could coordinate and organize vaccination centers, coordinate mobile vaccination teams and their missions, also to alleviate the stress in the family practices, she explained."But I don't think it is so far that the general practitioners completely refuse vaccination."General practitioners and pediatricians would view vaccination as their very own and important task.

Dahmen: Doctors are not forced to vaccinate against their will

21.50 a.m.: The green health expert Janosch Dahmen has contradicted fears that doctors could be forced to vaccinate patients against their will in the course of a general corona vaccination."There is no legal basis for this, which is also not created by an obligation to vaccinate," said Dahmen of our editorial team.

Dahmen emphasized: "In the debate about the obligation to vaccinate, nobody also requires that resident doctors should vaccinate against the will of patients.There is no legal basis for this, which is also not created by an obligation to vaccinate."In this respect, corresponding statements by the boss of the National Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (KBV), Andreas Gassen, are" not durable ".

Federal Medical Association recommends constitutionally well -secured vaccination obligation

21.40 a.m.: The Federal Medical Association President recommends a general vaccination obligation that is well secured under constitutional law.This can be justified in a few weeks, if no significantly higher vaccination rate in Germany has been reached."It is important that this is at best a matter of vaccination proof.Anyone who does not provide this evidence must expect restrictions.However, there must be no vaccination force.This would also be fundamentally contradictory of the medical professional ethos, "said Klaus Reinhardt of our editorial team.

Reinhardt suggests that a subsequent vaccination can initially only apply to basic immunization with the first and second vaccination as well as the refresh vaccination."The further question of how against the background of the increased immune cape of new virus variants with the resulting necessities for follow-up vaccinations should be dealt with," said Reinhardt.

A new Corona blog starts here.All Corona news from Wednesday, the 19.January 2022, you can find here.


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