Corona crisis: Do short workers have to expect tax payments?

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Corona crisis: Do short workers have to expect tax payments?
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Neustadt a.d.Weinstraße (dpa/tmn) - Because of the Corona crisis, many employees were in short work last year.Anyone who has received 410 euros in short -time work money in one year is obliged to submit a tax return, the Wage Tax Aid Association United Lay Tax Aid (VLH) informs.

If the employer pays too little wage tax

The short -time work allowance is tax -free, but those affected must state it in the tax return.In certain cases, a tax payment can then arise - often with employees who have received over 50 percent short -time money all year.

Anyone who has only worked half a month, according to VLH, usually has to expect a tax payment.The employer usually paid too little wage taxes over the course of the year.Some short workers can also receive tax refund - for example, if the company was completely closed for three months.

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Treasury takes into account short -time work money in the tax rate

Although short -time work allowance is tax -free, the Fiskus takes into account such state wage replacement payments when calculating the individual tax rate.He adds the short -time work allowance to taxable income and determines the tax rate.

The higher tax rate, which is only applied to the taxable income, can lead to the tax authority may make a request.The tax claim is then higher than without short -time work money.This can also affect the married couples if only one wage replacement benefits have received.

Affected couples can hand in the tax return 2020 separately and opt for an individual assessment.According to VLH, the splitting advantage would be lost, but the decision could pay off financially.