Early beds and aphids: This will be important in February in the garden

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Early beds and aphids: This will be important in February in the garden
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Early beds and aphids: This will be important in February in the garden

10 Bilder2.2.2022, 13:53 Uhr

The first warm sun rays already arouse the desire for new garden year.In fact, very impatient things can do a lot of things now.The anticipation can only cloud a fact: the aphid that is already announced in masses.

Frühbeet fit machen

As soon as the spring sun seems, hobby gardeners want to become active in the garden: there is an early bed.Because such a bed makes it possible to start the garden season early and to raise the first plants on the protected corner, under glass or plastic.With a little skill you can build such a box yourself or buy it as a kit in stores.As soon as you have chosen a sunny place for this, you can lift the soil underneath.The hole then comes into the hole, which acts like underfloor heating on the plants.Dry leaves on the crap Gärtner.Only after ten days when the rotting has been used can earth on the bed.Only then can cultures be sown or set.An alternative to the early bed is the film tunnel.This is quickly structured and also cleared again quickly, but ideally the film only lasts three years.© Andrea Warnecke

Paprika und Co. jetzt aussäen

Just as much fun as creating an early bed, sowing promises on the windowsill or in the warm greenhouse.First the pepper is on.Because the vegetables have a long breeding phase.Some ornamental and climbing plants should also be sown as early as possible.The little pots are best at the bright south window.Forget the constant but moderate watering during the whole growing time.However, the substrate must not be too wet, since pepper plants in particular suffer from it.Only after the ice saints in mid -May do the seedlings come outside.Tomatoes, pumpkin, zucchini and cucumbers are only planted in the garden bed in mid -May.Their sowing still has time because they grow much faster than the peppers.For tomatoes, the sowing on the windowsill is still sufficient in mid -March to maintain strong and stable young plants.Zucchini and pumpkin are sowing into the garden about four to six weeks before planting.Cucumbers are particularly quick, two to three weeks are enough here.© Petra Schüller

Frühzeitig Blattläuse abwehren

The so far mild winter is good and bad at the same time - good for the aphids and bad for the hobby gardeners.Because the lice continue to multiply in the weather, and there is a threat of a nuisance early and violently.So what to do? As soon as you notice an infestation, for example in container plants in the winter camp, you should strip the animals with your finger or rinse with a sharp water jet.It is also conceivable to suffocate them with a rapeseed oil -based means.In the sense of environmental protection, everyone should still weigh up: On the one hand, beneficials on trees that are also killed by the sprays are also killed.On the other hand, the plants do not immediately die due to aphids.Therefore, one can trust a bit on nature: natural predators such as Meisen, ladybugs and also lacewings can also regulate a slight infestation.© Frank Rumpenhorst

Hecken noch schnell stutzen

If you want to cut your hedge before the breeding season of the birds begins, you have to hurry up.According to the Federal Nature Conservation Act, a radical pruning or the removal of the green is only permitted from October to February so that birds are not disturbed when breeding.In the time of 1.March to 30.However, a "gentle shape and care cut" is allowed in September.In particular, garden owners with a hedge that protrudes across the property boundary should still cut the branches.When cutting, it is important to cut the crown narrower than the base so that the hedge gets a trapezoidal shape.This avoids that the lower part of later years is scared by lack of light.The cut branches may come under the hedge in a chopped form as a mulch layer or in the compost.© Kai Remmers

Schutz bei Wärme ablegen

Yesterday it was still bitterly cold, tomorrow it will be warm in spring.Plants are used to wintry alternating weather, but hobby gardeners can do something for them: some plants need water despite the winter rest, others sweat under the frost protection.In particular on warm days, you should quickly remove fleece or insulating fabrics from the plants.Because the warmth pretends them that it is already spring and the plants are driving out.In the event of a new frost, the new shoots can freeze.If it gets cold again, the plants need the warming coat again.In addition, the following applies to evergreen plants in the garden: If the thermometer increases after frosty days, they need water.If the soil is frozen, they cannot pull supplies - the plants threaten to dry up.Hobby gardeners should therefore give water on all frost -free days.© Andrea Warnecke/dpa

Kübelpflanzen brauchen strikte Winterruhe

Conglays from the garden, which are currently hibernate in the house, should not be moved.This applies especially to plants at cool and dark locations, especially this month.The experts from the Rhineland-Palatinate garden academy even recommend absolute calm for the hibernating green.Neither the location should be changed nor should you turn the pot.Since the water requirement in the resting phase is very reduced, the plants should also be poured economically.Obst the winter of potted plants from the garden or from the balcony in a relatively warm space like the winter garden, you need more water and more light.Therefore you should illuminate dark winter quarters in such a case.© Anestis Aslanidis

Pflanzlöcher für Gehölze vorbereiten

The garden season has already started.You can already plant deciduous trees.The garden centers and nurseries are already fully.As a rule, it is planted from the beginning of March to the end of April, but in times of climate change it works earlier.In any case, the floor should be thawed and not too wet.If you do not dare to put yourself in the plants yet, you should at least prepare the planters.The excavated and fertilizer earth can then settle and enliven again, so that the new planting will find optimal conditions in a few weeks.When planting, it should be noted that the humus -rich top floor and the barren underbody are not mixed together.The underbody submitted with a little humus is also filled again after setting the wood.© Miriam Doerr & Martin Frommherz

Mischkulturen-Pläne festhalten

Anyone who already records a mixed culture plan will be rewarded for this at the latest at the harvest.To do this again every year so that a healthy crop rotation can be observed, makes sense.A mixed culture of growing vegetables has a whole series of advantages, among other things, harmful insects such as the vegetable base or the earth flea can be held.The following rule of thumb is important when recording: Never strong consumers such as potatoes, broccoli, celery and weak consumers (peas, lamb's lettuce, beans, kitchen herbs) can plant on bed.Because either one is hungry or the other is overfeeded.© Andrea Warnecke

Gewächshaus reinigen und reparieren

Spring cleaning calls!So that the light and heating conditions in the greenhouse or in the early bed remain good and no diseases and pests creep in, the garden experts from "Mein Schöne Garden" should be thoroughly cleaned at least once a year.Now the best time is before the first plants and seedlings move in.The increased humidity and warmth inside a greenhouse worked not only for plants such as a growth accelerator, but also for germs and molds.In addition to the actual cleaning, greenhouse, film tunnel or early bed should be checked from the outside.Insules on windows can have become brittle.You benefit from care products such as glycerin or silicone.The hinges of windows and doors are movable again with a few drops of oil.If you notice damages such as holes in the outer shell when cleaning and care, these should be repaired immediately.© Rainer Lehmann

Küchenkräuter dürfen nicht ins Freie

The temptation is great: many decorative green is already available for buying balcony and garden.However, hobby gardeners should still refrain from herbs that are currently offered with the first spring plants on the market.The reason: the herbs drawn in greenhouses are sensitive to frost - and in this country you have to expect frosts until around mid -May.Therefore, to keep sensitive green in the house until then.A bright location is best suited for kitchen herbs in the pot, for example at the window.A little tip in the event of lack of space: The pots with herbs can also be used as edible table decoration.© Colourbox.de