Client acquisition in tax law firms: Marketing with Google Ads

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Client acquisition in tax law firms: Marketing with Google Ads
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

In the following you will read an experience report from this online tax consultant, Google Ads has been used primarily for the search for new clients with very good results for many years.For other goals, such as the extraction of new employees, mostly uses other channels (see the news "Applicant marketing on Facebook and Instagram").

Advertisements via Google Ads

1. Google ads

Basically, Google Ads are paid advertisements that are mostly played in connection with a search on the Internet.In addition to the displays via Google search, you can also be played in YouTube or other different apps.They belong to the online marketing channel "Search Engine Advertising" (SEA).

As an advertising law firm, a certain amount for an action is paid for a searching person in connection with your advertisement.An example of such an action is the click on a text display in Google's search results (Search Engine Result Pages (SERPS)).

For the circuit of Google Ads, there is basically the choice between 4 different campaign types.The choice of campaign type depends on where the display is played:

Note: In this article, the so -called "search campaigns" should be in the foreground with the target project "website search".The reason for this is simple: search campaigns are comparatively easy to create.In addition to a Google account, only a website (landing page) is required to which the searchers can be directed.Thus, search campaigns enable a simple and at the same time promising introduction to the world of Google Ads.

At this point it should be expressly mentioned that the other campaign types can also achieve excellent results, but the use of search campaigns is first considered to start.

2. Search campaigns

Search campaigns are text ads that are displayed in SERPS.The text ads (mostly) make up the first and last 3-4 results of a Google search and are therefore the first thing that is displayed on Google as a result of their search.Text indicators created with Google Ads are played out in the search results with the addition "Display" and thus identified.

A text display on Google basically consists of at least 3 parts:

URL: The URL is the website address that is displayed to the seeker.By default, the domain of the website is displayed here.

Advertising title: The ad title is the blue text of the display and thus the most striking part of the display.By "clicking" on the advertiser, the seekers reach the desired website (landing page).

Text line: The text line appears below the display title and provides further information about the display.

3. Advantages and disadvantages of Google Ads

Why should a tax advisory office google Google Ads (search campaigns)?

Google Ads are already used by many law firms, so the competition is relatively high.This also increases the costs for the campaigns.It is therefore important that you check exactly whether Google Ads are worth it for you or whether the price may exceed the benefit.

4. Cost

One often hears that Google Ads are expensive compared to other marketing channels and are becoming increasingly expensive.Both are generally not wrong.Compared to other channels, such as Facebook, the costs per click (cost per click (CPC)) on Google Ads are mostly more expensive.So does that mean that it is more expensive compared to other channels to generate clients via Google Ads?

The answer is: No.A click is not synonymous with an order.The bottom line is that the success of a campaign can only be measured by the costs that have actually been incurred for a new mandate.It is therefore advisable not to measure the different channels based on the costs per click, but on the basis of the costs that arise for the creation of a new order.So we use Google ADS campaigns at, which are significantly cheaper than other channels and thus achieve excellent results.

But what costs for the switching of Google Ads (adspend) can tax consultancy law firms looking for new mandates?Basically, the CPC on Google Ads vary significantly depending on the campaign.The competition for the search terms is decisive for the costs of a campaign.A click for the search term "Steuerberater GmbH" should therefore be more expensive than for the term "tax advisor income tax".

An example is intended to explain how the costs for the goal of generating a new mandate can be calculated.The following example is only a sample calculation. How high the costs actually turn out depends on the design of your campaign, your landing page and the current prices of Google Ads.

Example: According to the Google Ads Keyword planner, the costs for the top position in the SERPS are approximately 4.00 EUR for a certain search term.

Experience has shown that about 5% of the searchers who click on their ad actually contact them (heavily dependent on the landing page and the campaign setup).

Following the example, the costs for a contact would amount to 80 EUR.Based on the fact that every third contact actually commissioned you, the cost of a new mandate is then EUR 240.

In summary: In the example mentioned, a new mandate from the area of the health profession causes an Adspent of EUR 240.Whether this is worth it must be evaluated individually.

Step-by-step instructions

As already described, Google Ads represent a very extensive tool. In the following, only the basics are discussed.

1. Requirements for a search campaign with Google Ads

The basis for switching Google Ads is a Google account.With this Google account you can register on the page and create a Google Ads account.In addition, you also put a website to which the Google Ads campaign leads to a so-called "landing page".

2. Campaign structure

Google Ads provides for a 3-part (hierarchical) campaign structure.Campaigns, ad groups and ads exist within this campaign structure.On each of these levels, advertisers can make different settings.A campaign basically consists of one or more ad groups, an ad group of one or more ads.

The hierarchical structure is extremely helpful for large campaigns.Changes at the campaign level have an impact on all ad groups and ads.Changes at the ad group level have an impact on all displays of this ad group.

3. Creation of the campaign

After registration for Google Ads, you will reach an overview page.With the creation of the first Google Ads search campaign, a click on the "+New Campaign" button can be started.

Important: Every beginning is difficult.Most settings made at the beginning can be changed afterwards.

Tip: Google Ads change and constantly develop.So it may be that the functions and display methods shown below are already outdated at the time of the creation of your campaign.In addition to every function on Google Ads, you will find a small question mark (tool tip) that explains the respective functions in detail.Use these tool tips to explore functions that this post does not deal with.

At the campaign level, general settings can be made that apply to all advertisements and ads.The various setting options at the campaign level are briefly discussed below.

Target project

On Google Ads there are various destinations that can be achieved with a campaign:

We were able to gain good experiences with the aim "Access to website" at goal is to lead the seeking person to one side (landing page) and to convince of an action there.Such an action can be, for example, filling out a contact form or a call.

Das Target project !Zugriffe auf Website! eignet sich gut zu der beabsichtigten "Suchkampagnen". Klicken Sie daher auf den Button "Zugriffe auf Website".

Campaign type

Im Folgenden fordert Google Ads zu der Wahl eines Campaign types auf. Bei Google Ads gibt es verschiedene Campaign typeen:

Durch die Wahl des Target projects "Suchen" wird die Kampagne in den SERPs von Google ausgespielt.

Company website

The website must then be specified to refer to the display.Here, for example, your own homepage or a suitable landing page can be used.

Advertising networks

After the campaign has been named, it must be selected whether the campaign should be played in the search network and/ or in the display network.The search network consists of Google search results and other Google websites.The display network includes websites, videos and apps and thus expands the possibilities on which the display can be played.

For the beginning, we recommend only selecting the "search network" variant.At a later point in time, the "display network" can still be selected if it can be targeted whether the campaign is going well.

If the display network is selected in addition to the search network, the campaigns are also played out at other advertising spaces (outside the SERPS).Thus, the campaign has a higher range, which usually means that the CPC falls.This is generally positive.However, at we have had the experience that the results resulting from clicks on displays in the display network are less promising or that a more likelihood results in contact.

4. Further settings

In the area "Show further settings", a menu opens with some helpful additional setting options.We would like to briefly go into 2 of these options below.

Start and end date

If the campaign is only to be switched over a certain period of time, this can be specified here.

Tip: We recommend specifying a period of a month for the time being.Within this month you can refrain from whether the campaign attached is worth it for you.In addition, they do not run the risk of letting their campaign continue to be "accidentally" continued.If you find that the campaign is worthwhile after this month, you can simply switch it on again "by clicking".

Advertising time planner

Der Advertising time planner ist ein sehr hilfreiches Tool. Hier kann angegeben werden, an welchen Tagen und zu welchen Uhrzeiten Ihre Anzeige ausgespielt werden soll. Wenn bspw. eine Telefonnummer für den direkten Kontakt angegeben wird und das Telefon von Mo.-Fr. zwischen 8:00-17:00 Uhr besetzt ist, sollte die Anzeige auch nur zu diesen Zeiten geschaltet sein.

Tip: In addition, after a while you can refrain from the days and times your display will receive the most clicks.Take advantage of this knowledge and use the advertising time planner accordingly.


Unter dem Punkt "Locations" muss ausgewählt werden, an welchen Locationsn die Anzeigen ausgespielt werden. Die Wahl des Locationss hängt maßgeblich vom Ziel der Kampagne ab.

Bei arbeiten wir deutschlandweit und ortsungebunden und suchen demnach auch deutschlandweit Mandanten. Aus diesem Grund verwenden wir den Standort "Deutschland". Sofern Sie bspw. Mandanten in Köln und Hamburg suchen, macht es Sinn diese beiden Locations auszuwählen und evtl. noch umliegende Regionen/Städte miteinzubeziehen.


Unter dem Punkt "Languages" wird die Sprache der Zielgruppe festgelegt., z.B. "Deutsch".

Target group segments

Under this point there is the possibility to narrow down the target group.This tool is very extensive and includes many functions.For the start, we recommend that we do not carry out extensive segmentations and to select "Observe" during the alignment settings.


Here is the possibility to specify an average daily budget for the campaign.

Tipp: Unter Tagesbudget ist das durchschnittliche budget für einen Tag zu verstehen. Wenn Sie ein Tagesbudget von 10 EUR angeben und zusätzlich eine Laufzeit von 30 Tagen, dann werden innerhalb der 30 Tage nicht mehr als 300 EUR ausgegeben. Es kann jedoch sein, dass an einem Tag 12 EUR ausgegeben werden und an einem anderen dafür nur 8 EUR.

Welches budget Sinn ergibt, ist schwer zu sagen. Für den Anfang schlagen wir vor, mit einem nicht zu hohen Betrag zu starten. Das budget können Sie zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt jederzeit anpassen.


Mandanten-Akquise in Steuerkanzleien: Marketing mit Google Ads

There are also numerous options at this point.Here it is stated which action of the searchers the focus of the campaign is to be set.The focus "clicks" is recommended in the light of the campaign setup shown so far.

Tipp: Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit "Conversions" zu wählen. In unserem bisherigen Kampagnensetup wäre eine Conversion bspw. ein Anruf oder ein Absenden des Kontaktformulars auf einer Seite. Dafür muss Google Ads allerdings wissen, wann eine Conversion stattgefunden hat. Eine Variante dies zu ermöglichen ist es, das Google Ads-Konto mit GoogleAnalytics zu verknüpfen und hier entsprechende Target project anzulegen. Dies kann sehr nützlich und hilfreich sein.

5. Advertisements

Google Ads offers some ad extensions that can draw the attention of the seekers and significantly increase the click rate.The main reason for this is that these extensions enable withdrawal from the other search ads.In the following, two of the most used ad extensions are presented, with which we were able to gain very good experiences at

Sitelink extensions

Sitelink extensions are links that can also be played out under an advertisement.A sitelink can be a maximum of 25 characters long.You can choose the designation of the sitel links freely.By clicking on a sitelink, seekers get on a desired landing page.

The advantages of sitelinks are obvious: Sitelinks enlarge your ad in the SERPS.Your ad looks more prominent and is more noticeable.As a result, they stand out significantly from their competitors.

In addition, reference can be made to suitable landing pages with sitelinks.When searching for new clients, for example, reference can be made to customer reviews on your own website with the Sitelink "Reviews".

Tip: It is important that the sitel links are relevant for your target group.

Referral expansion

Durch Referral expansionen wird Ihrer Anzeige eine Telefonnummer hinzugefügt. Die Telefonnummer wird entweder ganzheitlich angezeigt oder versteckt sich hinter einem Button, auf den Suchende klicken können, um einen Anruf auszulösen. Wie die Telefonnummer ausgespielt wird, ist abhängig von dem Endgerät der suchenden Person.

Tipp: Wenn Sie eine Telefonnummer angeben, ist es wichtig, dass Sie unter dieser auch zu dem Zeitpunkt der Suche zu erreichen sind. Wenn Sie Ihre Anzeige 24 Stunden ausspielen, ist dies, zumindest ohne den Einsatz eines Call-Centers, nicht darstellbar. Daher ist es empfehlenswert, Anzeigen mit einer Referral expansion nur zu den Zeiten auszuspielen, an denen Sie auch telefonisch erreichbar sind. Verwenden Sie hierfür den bereits angesprochenen "Advertising time planner".

6. Keywords

General settings can be made at the ad group level that are adopted for all ads of this ad group.

Important: You have the option of creating several ad groups within a campaign.

The heart on the ad group level is the "keywords".Keywords are undoubtedly one of the most important settings that are made when creating a Google Ads campaign.Keywords determine the search terms for a seeking person to play the Google Ads display.

Keyword options

Any number of keywords can be entered.Basically, Google Ads offers 3 variants of how the keywords can be entered:

- keyword = largely suitable

The keyword is entered in the keyword option "largely fitting" without an addition (""/ []).Here the display is delivered to keywords that fit the keyword in the broadest sense and are related to it.

- "Keyword" = suitable word group

The keyword is entered in quotation marks ("keyword") for the use of the keyword option "matching word group".The keyword option "Suitable word group" is more precise than the "largely suitable" option, but less precisely than the option "precisely fitting".The display is delivered here if the search term contains the importance of your keyword.

- [Keyword] = exactly suitable

At the keyword option "exactly suitable", enter the keyword in square brackets ([keyword]).The keyword option "exactly fitting" is the most accurate of all options.Here the display is delivered when the search term matches the defined keyword.

Example: In order to illustrate the individual options even better, e.g. the keyword "tax advice" should be used:

Tipp: Sofern Sie auf der Suche nach neuen Mandanten sind, würden wir Ihnen die Verwendung der Keyword options "passende Wortgruppe" oder "genau passend“empfehlen. Sie werden im Laufe der Kampagne vmtl. häufig nicht passende Keywords ausschließen oder neue hinzufügen. Mit der Keyword-Option "weitgehend passend" konnten wir bei keine wirklich guten Ergebnisse sammeln, da diese eher ungenau ist.

Determination of real keywords

Which keywords do I choose?This question can not be answered generally.It is important that you choose the keywords that are relevant for your campaign.In addition, it is important that the keywords are also sought, i.e. have search volume.If a keyword is chosen with the option "precisely", but that it does not have a search volume, it is likely that the display will not be played out or only a few searchers, since nobody is interested in this search term.

Tip: Ask your clients what is important to you at a tax consultant and address exactly these topics in your advertisement.

A very helpful tool to find relevant keywords and estimate how high the costs per click and the search volume are, the keyword planner from Google.The Keyword Planner is located under the menu item "Tools and Settings" below "Planning" and then "Discover new keywords".Various potential keywords can be entered there and evaluated under "Show results".In the following, the expected search volume for the keyword, the CPC for the respective position and other keyword suggestions suitable for the keyword.From this selection, one or more keywords can be added to an advertisement and assigned to the corresponding campaign.

Tip: It makes sense to deal intensively with Google Ads's keyword planner.The tool allows them to be able to estimate how high the competition around the keyword is, how high the costs are and how high the search volume is.In addition, thanks to the tool, you can discover interesting new keywords and, if necessary, add to your campaign.

7. Advertisement level

The respective ads can be designed specifically on the display level.The settings that are made here apply "only" to this display.

Final url

Here the website URL (i.e. the landing page) is entered to which the searchers are to be directed.

Displayed path

Here the displayed URL can also be changed.This makes sense, especially when the final URL is very long or meaningless.

Display title

Bei einer Anzeige können 3-15 Display title hinterlegt werden. Jeder Display title umfasst max. 30 Zeichen. Es werden nicht mehr als 3 Display title gleichzeitig ausgespielt. In welcher Reihenfolge die Display title ausgespielt werden, variiert.

Beispiel: Die folgenden 3 Display title werden hinterlegt:

Ihr Steuerberater in Köln/ digital & vor Ort/ Steuerberater für Unternehmen

Die Display title könne auch in dieser Reihenfolge ausgespielt werden:

digital & vor Ort/ Steuerberater für Unternehmen/ Ihr Steuerberater in Köln

Welche Reihenfolge gewählt wird, macht Google Ads von dem Erfolg (Klickrate) der jeweiligen Anzeige abhängig. Sofern aber gewünscht wird, dass ein bestimmter Display title immer an einer bestimmten Position ausgespielt werden soll, kann dieser mit dem Stecknadel-Symbol "gepinnt" werden.

Descriptions (line of text)

Außerdem können 2-4 Beschreibungen eingegeben werden. Jede Beschreibung umfasst max. 90 Zeichen. Es werden nicht mehr als 2 Beschreibungen gleichzeitig ausgespielt. In welcher Reihenfolge die Beschreibungen ausgespielt wird, variiert analog zu den Display titlen. Auch hier besteht die Möglichkeit, bestimmte Display title zu "pinnen". Die Beschreibungen ermöglichen die Angabe weiterer Informationen zum Angebot.

Example: The tax consultancy office for companies: financial accounting, annual financial statements, payroll accounting./ Years of expertise in corporate tax law.

If you are satisfied with the design of your ads, click on "Save and continue".The creation of your ad is now complete.You can now check your campaign and published.

Optimization of the campaign

After the campaign was created and the first clicks were generated, it is time to control the performance of the campaign and make adjustments.It is almost impossible to create a campaign with Google Ads that runs optimally from the start.Most campaigns only develop their full potential through persistent optimizations.

Tip: We check and optimize our campaigns weekly at we achieve increasingly better results in order to gain experience, it is advisable to check and adapt the settings at the beginning of a campaign.

Google Ads offers numerous assistance and evaluations for this.There are various analyzes and key figures on the overview page of the campaign that make it easier to optimize a campaign.Among other things, Google also offers recommendations and the evaluation of search queries.

1. Recommendations of Google Ads

Google ads continuously gives recommendations to optimize the campaign.Google's concern is basically that campaigns are worthwhile for advertisers.Therefore, Google's recommendations often lead to an improvement in performance.

Tip: Google's goal is to generate more clicks and thus generate higher sales.This goal is not necessarily in competition with your own goals.Nevertheless, Google's recommendations should always be questioned.

If Google Ads, for example, recommends that the display be switched from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m..

Darüber hinaus könnte Google Ihnen z.B. empfehlen, ein höheres budget auszugeben oder weitere Suchnetzwerke miteinzubeziehen. Auch diese Entscheidungen sollten gut überlegt werden, da diese die Conversions nicht unbedingt positiv beeinflussen.

2. Search queries

This window shows which search queries the searchers have used to whom their ad has been played.These search queries should be continuously checked.Search queries that do not match the campaign should be excluded.If this process continues to continue, the campaign becomes increasingly precise and reaches exactly the people who are to be achieved.

Tip: take a look at your competitors.Enter the search term for which you would be happy to play an advertisement in the search field of Google.Do competitors use ad extensions that could also make sense for you?What formulations are chosen here?

Commissioning of an agency or own line?

Often questions and colleagues whether Google Ads should be switched to yourself or better one of the many agencies should be commissioned.

Basically, we would recommend taking the first steps alone.The establishment of an account and the creation of a (simple) campaign are not particularly complicated or time -consuming.In addition, as a tax consultant, you know your target group best and can therefore find suitable keywords and create appealing campaigns.

If you then decide to get a service provider, you have already gained an insight into Google Ads, you can discuss "eye level" and evaluate the differences in the success of the campaign.

If you commission a service provider, it is important to work closely with it.Many service providers know the tax advisory market inadequate and therefore cannot estimate which keywords make sense.Here you are the expert!

Cooperation with a service provider is particularly useful if you want to create clean conversion tracking and do not have the technical know-how required for this.

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Schlagworte zum Thema: Steuerberatung, Steuerberater, Kanzleimanagement, Kanzleimarketing