Chop the wood: You should consider that -

Chop the wood: You should consider that -
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Hacking wood is not difficult, but still has a risk of injury.Here you get tips on dealing with the ax, information about wood and suggestions for sustainable heating.

You should split wood immediately after the impact.You can use the split logs as heating material for your fireplace or oven.Chopping wood is a strenuous physical work, in the fresh air and with the right technique it can be a lot of fun.

Chop the right tool for wood

If you have a lot of time and want to burn a few extra calories, like to use a blunt and small ax to chop the wood.Otherwise: Better get sensible tools.Here are a few tips on what you should pay attention to when rental or buying:

Extra tip: As a base you can use a massive tree trunk or a chopping block from the hardware store.There are individual preferences at the height.Most documents range from the middle of the calf to slightly above the knee.

Chop the right technique when it comes to wood

Hacking wood lasts.Therefore, you should consciously use your back muscles so that the tilt movements do not go on the intervertebral discs.So don't fell into the hollow cross when you hack wood.

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Important!Check your tool before each use.The head and stem must not have any cracks or other serious damage.The stem must be firmly connected to the head.

Extra tip: frozen wood is easier to split, so it is best to hoe when it is cold outside.

After you have split the wood, you have to store it properly.How and for how long, you can read in this article: Store the firewood correctly - you should consider that when drying

How sustainable is heating with wood?

The heating with wood is unfortunately neither climate -neutral nor emission -free.According to NABU and the Federal Environment Agency, health -hazardous and carcinogenic air pollutants, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAK), are created during the incineration process..Climate -damaging substances such as methane, laugh gas and soot are also released.In addition, heating with wood is not always efficient.A lot of energy is lost especially in old fireplaces.

Already knew?Many factors, such as the type or location of the house, influence energy consumption.If a house is free, it loses more warmth than a semi -detached house.According to the Federal Environment Agency, the living space contributes a decisive contribution to saving energy, since smaller rooms get warm faster.

There are now some more sustainable alternatives to the stove, for example pellet heating or heating with green electricity, photovoltaics or geothermal energy.Gas heaters are also low in pollutants, efficient and can be combined with solar systems, for example,.


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Keywords: DIY knew how heating