Best electrical toothbrushes 2022: The TOP 5 in comparison

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Best electrical toothbrushes 2022: The TOP 5 in comparison
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

Best electrical toothbrush 2022: Which models earn this title?

The big scrub with the hand toothbrush was yesterday.Dental care works much more thoroughly with electric toothbrushes.But if you look for an electric toothbrush in 2022, you face a challenge: the offer for brushes for bright teeth was rarely so big.

Sound toothbrush, oscillating toothbrush or a smart toothbrush to clean your teeth - you are spoiled for choice.We bring a little light into the dark and explain which electric toothbrushes are available and which are particularly convincing in the test.

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Beste elektrische Zahnbürsten 2022: Die Top 5 im Vergleich

Overview of electrical toothbrushes

Nowadays there are a number of electrical toothbrushes on the market to thoroughly clean your teeth.Most toothbrushes have an integrated battery that is charged thanks to induction.Often preserved in the set: brush heads for replacing.Experts advise to exchange the brush heads at least every six to eight weeks, which is good for the toothbrush head and therefore also good for dental health.The cleaning effectiveness is retained and the gums are not unnecessarily attacked.(Also interesting: healthy and white teeth: 3 reasons for an electric toothbrush)

The latest digital technologies do not stop at electrical toothbrushes-modern cleaning modes adapt to the tooth cleaning behavior, some electrical toothbrushes can even be controlled via the smartphone.The three types of electric toothbrush and how to clean your teeth at a glance:

Which electrical toothbrush is recommended by dentists?

The sound toothbrush is very popular with dentists.The reason: The super -fast vibration ensures that bacteria also loosen on teeth where other toothbrushes do not even find access.(In addition: the best sound toothbrushes 2022 - 10 brushes deliver shine performance) in particular the interdental spaces like to remain unplastered.That is a thing of the past with sound toothbrushes.People who are increasingly noticing their teeth should act quickly.The electrical toothbrushes with vibration technology are suitable for all those who have already struggled with problems in the mouth.Whether exposed tooth necks, periodontitis, high caries or gums - a sound toothbrush is much less sensitive than other toothbrushes.

Stiftung Warentest: Which is the best electric toothbrush?

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The purchase of an electric toothbrush should of course be worthwhile.It all depends on how deeply you want to dig into the wallet.From 10 euros discount price to 300 euros for a high-end toothbrush, everything is available.We took a closer look at some electrical toothbrushes and show which electric toothbrushes in the test will take the race.At the top of the podium: the multiple test winner of Stiftung Warentest.Hardly any other toothbrush was able to convince as the Sonicare Diamond Clean from Philips.