Bakery: Grüner Schmitt moves into the Green Au Nachrichten from

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Bakery: Grüner Schmitt moves into the Green Au Nachrichten from
  • By deutschewhiskybrenner

The municipal council dealt with many small topics in addition to the discussion on the 1250th anniversary (we reported) in the most recent meeting. One of them was an application from the Peter Schmitt bakery (green). The company has a bakery sales container on the property on Kissinger Strasse opposite the Walter gas station. She wants to tear this down. She wants to move the sales room for the baked goods to the former "Sport Café Arena" inn - formerly better known as "Zur Grüne Au".

For the relocation, Peter Schmitt GmbH requires a change of use for the restaurant building. The necessary plans and the description of the change in use were not available by the time the municipal council meeting was called; the next one will not take place until September. After consultation with the building department of the district office, there are no building regulations that prevent a change in use of the former restaurant building. However, the municipal agreement for the change of use is required.

Uwe Beer (CSU) emphasized: "If anything, this is a subsequent municipal agreement for a change of use that has already taken place." Everything is ready inside. He wanted to remind you that the builder had already placed a container there and that the municipal council had issued a subsequent building permit. "If that makes school, that wouldn't be ideal." Andre Iff (CSU) replied: "Well, I think everything is nicer than this Snow White coffin that's standing in front, so we should agree to that." The municipal council gave the municipal consent by a majority.

Then Mayor Harald Hofmann (CSU) reported on the meetings of the Kissinger Bogen Alliance. Among other things, the representatives had decided to take part in the competition for funding on the subject of internal development. In addition, flash flood risk management is on the right track. It is almost done. "It's extremely extensive and it brings a lot," says Hofmann. Allianz was one of the few to receive Bavaria-wide funding a long time ago and is therefore "a step ahead".

Criticism of the new heating

The last announcement that Hofmann made in the meeting was slapped in the face: he informed that the heating system in the house at Riedweg 2, which the municipality had bought , to be renewed. The oil heating is changed to a gas heating.

Florian Wilm (Bürgerblock) was "somewhat surprised that we are investing in conventional fuels again at this time." Experts examined the property in Riedweg as part of an energy coaching session. The report reads: "BAFA supports the exchange with up to 45 percent. We recommend installing a heat pump or pellet heating system," reports Wilm. "That means we let people do something for fun, have a recommendation and then we buy the technology of the last millennium."

Bakery: Green Schmitt moves to the green Au News from

Uwe Beer doesn't think that's a good move either. With the E-Werk that Nüdlingen owns, the heat pump would have been a great purchase.

Further topics in the municipal council

Bundestag elections The municipal council confirmed that the amount of the refreshment allowance should be increased from 25/35 euros to 40 euros.

Planning application In order to erect a carport, a couple on Josef-Willmann-Strasse needed two exemptions concerning the building line and the roof. The council approved the exemptions.

Traffic mirror After André Iff's request for a traffic mirror to be installed at the corner of Haardstraße/ Schenkgasse/ Hennebergerstraße, the municipality stated that this was a matter for the district. The police said that the conditions there had not led to an accident, so a traffic mirror was not necessary after consideration.

Construction site Mayor Harald Hofmann announced that the road towards the pyramid will probably be renewed from September 27th and will therefore be closed for one to two weeks.

Cooling cell When asked by the municipal councilor Julian Thomas (Junge Liste) how the municipality plans to proceed with the cooling cell, the municipality replies that the planning has not changed due to the illness among the staff.

Broadband expansion The documents for market research were published on the homepage.

Participate This year's citizens' meeting is planned for September 30 at 7 p.m. in the Schlossberghalle.